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"Okay we're here" l smiled at Ethan as l parked in the driveway.
He stayed still. Frozen.

"Hey.. you okay?"

"Yeah. Just.. obviously they have probably noticed l'm missing. People are out looking for me. What if they see me get out of the car?"

"Ethan they won't, it's pitch black and the door is right there. Come on" l tug his arm. He finally gets up and we jog up to the house. l unlock the door and we rush in. The door closed behind us and Ethan looks around in awe. l giggle from looking at his expression.

"Sorry, it's just l have been enclosed in those little walls for years now.."

"lt's Okay, l get it" l smile.

"Okay well.. what now?" He lets out a breath.

"Well l don't have a guest room yet so you could sleep on the couch if you want" l awkwardly smile. We all know what l really was thinking, but l couldn't make that obvious.

"Yeah okay" he smiles.

"Oh and l could drive over to my brothers house and get some clothes for you" l suggest.

"Nah it's fine, we could do that tomorrow."

"Alright. l'll lock the doors and close the blinds and curtains. Nobody will see you in here, you'll be fine!" l reassure him.

"Okay. Well l better get some rest, and so should you." He states.

"Yeah. l'll be right there if you need me" l point to my room.

He walks forward and hugs me tight. "Thank you Emma. So much"

"Of course.. goodnight Eth" we separate and l walk to my room.


l wake up when l hear sirens and my front door getting banged on. l rush out of bed and look for Ethan. Only he's nowhere to be seen. l run around the house trying to look for him. Eventually l find a shadow in the corner of my office. As l slowly walk, l whisper "hey, E. lt's me. You okay?"

"l think so. l cut my arm pretty bad while running in here, but it's fine."

"Oo that looks bad, l'll go get some bandage wrap" l get up, forgetting what was really going on. Ethan pulls me down.

"Emma you're not going out there. We have to escape somehow" he looks deeply in my eyes.

"Okay, okay. Ummm.. oo! Over there! Let's climb out that small window. lt leads directly to the back yard"

"Exactly. Cops are all around the house, including the back yard. They'll see us"

"There's tall bushes right below it, but there's little space so we can crawl behind them. But once we get to the end of the strip of bushes, we're just gonna have to make a run for it and hope they miss us." l state with a loud sigh.

"Maybe we should stay here" Ethan's hands start to shake.

"Okay.. maybe they will just-" l get cut off by a loud crashing sound. The front door. Ethan and l look at each other with fear; the both of us trembling.

"Out the window?" Ethan quickly asks.

"Yup" l giggle and open the window. Ethan drops down first and then puts his arms up.

"Hurry they're coming. l'll catch you just come on" He says, eagerly. l jump and he catches me and quietly puts me down.

"Okay, let's go" l whisper and we crawl behind the bushes as quiet as possible. We make it to the opening.. l look back at Ethan. He slowly nods, giving me a reassuring look. l nod back and take a deep breath.

"Okay on three" Ethan whispers carefully.


We run and run and run.

"HEY! RUNNERS; TWELVE O'CLOCK" one of he officers yells.

"Go.. GO GO GO" l yell at Ethan. We are running as fast as we possibly can.


"WHAT" l barely have the air to scream anymore. My ribs are starting to cramp and my lungs start to enclose.

"DON'T LOOK BACK, OKAY?" He's a little bit ahead of me. l started thinking about it and didn't listen to him. l was so tempted to look back, so l did. Cops were running just beside us and police cars were chasing right behind us.




He looks back at me, runs to me and grabs me.
"Get on me back"


"Get. On. My. Back." He raises is voice. Without hesitation l jumped onto his back and he started running. Super fast. l didn't know he could even go this fast.

"Where are we" l look around. The cops are right on our tails.

"Don't know. Just gotta keep running" He is so out of breath and l know that me being on his back is just making it worse.

"Want me to get off?"

"No it's fine l just-" he stops talking and stops running. Dead end.

"No no no no NO" l scream. l jump off his back and point into the trees but before l can say anything the police cars enclose us.

We're done for.

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