Chapter 2: The Decathlon Team

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Time skip to Tuesday afternoon...

Reader's POV:

I am sitting next to Peter in advanced maths, trying to figure out this last problem. I groan silently in annoyance, pushing my H/C hair out of my face and behind my ears. I look at the time 3: 15pm, we only have 15 minutes left in class, and it's taking forever. "Do you need some help?" Peter whispers to me, leaning closer to me. I nod slightly embarrassed and show him the equation. Peter explains the equation to me, I say 'thank you' smiling at him. He smiles back, slightly blushing and nods his head before returning to his work.


"All right everyone! Hand your work sheets in and place them on the desk neatly and then you can head off!" Mrs Smith says to us sternly, as the we pack up our stuff. I swing my bag over my shoulder, and place my work sheet on the teachers desk before exiting the class with Peter. "So, time for the Decathlon meeting, hey?" I say, grinning at Peter. "Yup! Follow me". He exclaims, gives me his arm for me to hold. I laugh and link my arm with his. Peter grins brightly at me, and leads me to the drama room, which was also used for the Decathlon meetings. I saw other students, including Michelle and Ned who were looking at me and Peter strangely. I quickly take my arm away from Peters and walk over to them, slightly blushing, Peter following close behind.

"Mr Harrington will be back soon, he just left to use the toilet". Ned says to us, I sit next to Michelle and Peter sits next to Ned. We start a mini conversation with each other about the amount of work we have been assigned to do, before we hear a slightly obnoxious voice say "Who's the new girl? Your girlfriend Peter? Oh wait, that's right! You don't have one!" A guy comes up to us, he is a tiny bit shorter than Peter, he has dark skin, dark brown hair, and cocky smile on his face. I glare at him, I feel a surge of anger run through my body.I look over at Peter, who is also glaring at Flash.

"Hello students! How are we today?!" I hear a cheerful voice say. I look over at a middle-aged man, I smile and then hear Ned pipe up saying "Sir, we have a new member of our Decathlon team!" The teacher immediately looks at me, he smiles and walks up to me. "What is your name?" He asks me, I smile and reply back "Y/N, Y/N Valentino. I just enrolled yesterday". He smiles, he has a spark of excitement in his eyes "Excellent! Awesome to have you on board with us!" He exclaims. "Okay! Let's get started! Next week are going to Brooklyn Technical High School for our usual competition against their Decathlon team! So let's get started! Peter and Flash you two are up! You will versing each other as a test run! I want 110% concentration!"

*Time skip*

"Good job today everyone! I will see you this Thursday for our next Decathlon meeting!" Mr Harrison says, as the group exits the drama and heads home. Me, Peter, Ned and Michelle head out to the front of the school. "I'll see you guys tomorrow! I got to go home and finish this health assignment Mrs Johnson gave us". Ned says, waving goodbye and heading off. "Same here, and I even though I don't mind sitting in detention for a whole hour, I really want to finish this book off". Michelle says and she gives me a hug before heading off "Bye Losers!" She says smirking, I laugh and yell back "See ya crazy!" I hear her laugh and I then my attention to Peter who is smiling at me. "So I'll you tomorrow?" I ask him smiling, he nods before replying "yeah! I'll see you tomorrow!" I give him a big hug, before running off back home.

*At home*

"Hi mum! I'm back home!" I exclaim, as I enter through the front door. "Hello sweetie! How was your second day?" I hear my mum answer from the kitchen. I head into the kitchen and look at her happily before replying "It was awesome! I joined the school Decathlon team! Peter-". I attempt to answer my mum's question, but she interrupts saying "Peter hey? Is that your boyfriend?" I turn bright red when she says that. "W-what!? N-no, he is just a friend!" I say, stuttering like crazy. My mum smirks at me, before saying "Sure, I totally believe you". I groan, going even redder "mum". I say in annoyance. She just laughs, giving me a kiss on the head and says "I'm just teasing you sweetie, anyways I got to start preparing dinner. I will talk to you about the rest of your day during dinner if that is okay?" I nod, I head up-stairs and check my phone. I got 10 messages from Peter, Ned and Michelle. (2 from Ned, 4 from Michelle and 4 from Peter).

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