Chapter 6: Awkward moments

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Reader's POV:

I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, I feel my body slightly going weak. I struggle to say anything, I watch him pull a shirt over his muscular back. I blush even harder, a squeak coming out of my mouth. He whips around, his eyes wide in shock and his cheeks crimson. "D-did you just see me shirtless?" He asks, stuttering like crazy. I nod slowly, before rapidly apologising. "Y/N, it's fine, r-really". He says, both smiling shyly and blushing. I avoid eye-contact with him as I give him his pillow and blankets. "Thanks Y/N". He says, I smile at him. We both choose a spot on the big couch to lay on, but unfortunately the couch is a bit too small to fit us both on it. "Well if you want to lay on me you can, I don't mind". Peter says to me, I blush and start stuttering "W-well if you don't m-mind, then y-yeah s-s-sure". Peter lays down on the couch, I gulp before slightly laying my body on top of him. My head resting on his chest, I can feel his body tense up.

"You sure you don't mind me laying on you?" I ask him. "Y-yeah it's fine, it's just the first time a girl has laid on my chest before". Peter replies, I feel his arms wrap around me and cover me more with the blanket. "Goodnight Pete". I say to him, closing my eyes and snuggling into his muscular chest. "Goodnight Y/N... sweet dreams". He replies, I feel his body relax and his breathing becomes slow. We both drift off to sleep, our arms wrapped around each other...

Next morning...

I wake up, feeling one of Peter's arms around me and the other one hanging off the couch. I open my eyes and gently get myself off Peter. I take a better look at Peter, his mouth slightly agape, his hair slightly messy. I smile at how adorable he is, I decide to get started on making some breakfast. I grab out the pancake mix, choc-chips and maple syrup from the cupboard, along with some strawberries, cream, blueberries and bananas from the fridge. I spray the pan with cooking oil, before letting it heat up slowly on the stove. As I let the pan heat up, I begin making the pancake mix, putting choc-chips in it. By the time I am done making the mix the pan is hot enough to cook the pancakes. I pour some batter onto the pan and let it cook slowly, while I cut up the banana, strawberries and blueberries.

"Mm, what's cooking? It smells amazing!" Peter exclaims, as he enters the kitchen. "Pancakes". I reply, smiling. Peter gives me a side hug, mumbling in my ear 'Goodnight morning'. "Good morning to you too Pete". I say chuckling, I go to check on the pancake, it's cooked perfectly when I flip it over onto the uncooked side. "Do you think you could keep checking the pancake while I chop up the fruit?" I ask him politely. "Yeah sure!" Peter answers, I thank him and go back to chopping the fruit, placing them in separate small bowls. When I finish cutting the fruit, Peter places the first pancake on a big plate. I smile at him, the pancake was cooked perfectly. "So how many are we making?" Peter asks me, I shrug laughing. "No idea, let's just make as many as the batter will let us". I say chuckling. He laughs, and nods in agreement.

After a while, we make at least 10 pancakes. 5 each to both of us, they are covered in strawberries, blueberries, cream, maple syrup and bananas. We laugh and make jokes during breakfast, occasionally we throw strawberries at each other to see if we can catch them in our mouths. When we finally finish breakfast, the kitchen is a mess now. "My mum is so going to kill me if we don't get the maple syrup and strawberries clean off the cupboards and floor". I say laughing nervously. Peter laughs, before getting up and placing his plate near the sink with mine. "Did she leave for work or something?" Peter asks me, I shake my head. "No I forgot to tell you, but she spent the night at a friends place so she wouldn't disturb me and you. She is coming back near lunch time and it's already 11:00". I say in slight panic. Peter places a hand on my shoulder, and smiles "well we should get started on cleaning then".

As time goes by we manage to get the kitchen clean. We wash dishes, mop the floors, clean the flood off the cupboards and every now and again I get wet from Peter splashing me water, me having to remind him in a playful way "Come on Pete! Wet the dishes not me!" and him replying "That's what she said". When we finish cleaning the room, we are both covered in water but the kitchen is clean and the dishes are put away. "Well that was fun!" Peter says enthusiastically, he grins at me. I laugh and grin back at him, before saying "We should get changed out of our wet clothes, if you want you can get changed in the bathroom, I'll just be in my room". Peter nods, before taking off his wet shirt, making me blush once again see his incredibly toned chest. "What?" He says, confused at my facial reaction. "N-nothing". I say, quickly walking past him. "Grab a spare change of clothes and I'll show you the bathroom". I say, avoiding eye contact with him.

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