Chapter 3: School fun and School arguments

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"Dinner is ready!" I hear my mum from the kitchen, I quickly snap out of my thoughts and yell back "Coming!" I put my health assignment next to me and head down stairs. When I enter the kitchen, I see my mum placing bowls of spaghetti and meatballs on the table. I smile and sit down across the table from her. "So now, tell me about school". My mum says as she sits down in front of me. "Well I got into the school's Decathlon team, Peter, Michelle and Ned are already in it. We have another meeting on Thursday and on Wednesday we have our competition at Brooklyn Technical High School, so I have to study for that. I also have an English assignment, health assignment, science assignment and maths assignment I need to complete by Friday". I say, rubbing the back of my neck. "Oh wow, that's a lot work! Remember if you need any help I am here, I probably won't be too good with science, but maths and health I can help you with. I am also very proud of you for joining the Decathlon team, I know you will do great!". My mum says, smiling at me. I smile back thankfully at her, before I quickly remember that Peter wanted to hang out this Friday.

"Oh yeah! Peter wanted to hang out with me on Friday afternoon and I was wondering if he could come here for a sleepover!" I say to my mum, hoping she will allow Peter to stay over. My mum gives me a funny look and says cheekily "Just sleeping over?". I blush madly, "Mum! It's not like that! He is just a friend!" I exclaim. My mum laughs and responds "I know baby, I know  and yes, I will allow Peter to sleepover on Friday". I grin in delight, "Thanks mum!" I exclaim happily. I finish my dinner and head back up-stairs. I grab my phone and message Peter.

Peter's Messages: (1 unread message)

Adorable nerd😍: Hey Y/N! I would love to come over to your place! Aunt May said it would be fine. Is your mum okay with it?

Smol but Adorable💘: Hey Peter! My mum said yes to you coming over on Friday! She even said you could sleep over!

I put my phone down next to my bed, plugging it in to recharge. I grab my Health Assignment and finish the rest of it off. Within the next few minutes, I am finished with my project and I place in my bag. I turn off my life and get comfortable within my blankets. I hear a familiar sound of bells from my cat. I hear her walk through the cat door on my door and jump onto my bed. "Hey baby, decided you wanted to cuddle with mummy did you?" I say chuckling a bit. My cat Dora nudges my head and makes herself comfortable next to me. I smile and cuddle up to her "Goodnight Dora". I say before drifting off to sleep.

Next day at school...

Reader's POV:

I walk through the halls with Ned towards the cafeteria, discussing out Health assignment. "Okay so... Mrs Johnson wants us to write about puberty for girls, Oestrogen and testosterone and their roles within the female body. Should be easy enough". Ned says, rereading through the assignment list. Me and Ned enter the cafeteria, we see Peter and Michelle sitting at our usual. "Hey guys! How was science?" I ask Peter and Michelle, "It was good! How was english?" Peter replies, smiling at both us as we sit down opposite of them. "We have more work to finish by the end of the week". Ned said groaning, dropping his head onto the table. I laugh and say to Ned "Well if you want I can sleepover at your place to help you finish the other assignments. I also need to finish science and maths". Ned looks excited once more, he hugs me tightly and says "Y/N you are a life saver".

"Also Peter, will Aunt May let you sleep over this Friday?" I ask him, Peter immediately pipes up and replies back "Yeah! She said I could stay over as long as I don't do anything 'naughty' in her words". He said slightly blushing, but also rolling his eyes with a smile on his face. I laugh, remembering how my mum was when I asked her about having Peter over last night. "I reckon Aunt May and my mum would get a long just fine". I say laughing, Peter laughs too. "We need to create a ship name for these two I swear". Ned says, smirking at us two. Michelle laughs, agreeing with Ned. Me and Peter roll our eyes, shaking our heads. "It's only been 3 days and you two are already making ship names". Peter says, chuckling and shaking his head.

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