Chapter 12: Reunited part 1

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Happy New Years everyone! I hope that everyone has an amazing 2018, I wish everyone the best. Just remember to never give up and always remain true to yourself! I apologise for not updating lately, as I have been dealing with many life problems. I'll try to upload more chapters.

Reader's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I groan and I turn off my alarm, sitting back on my bed, trying to wake myself up. I look at the time, and see it's 6:35 am. 'I'll pick you up tomorrow morning'. Tony Stark's words run through my head. Suddenly I shoot up from the bed, panicking. I rush around my room, making sure I've packed everything. When I'm certain I've packed everything, I quickly grab a red tank top that reads fearless in gold writing and a pair of dark blue denim shorts. I change quickly out of my pyjamas and into the clothes I chose for the day.

I quickly grab a brush and run it through my hair, getting out the knots out of my hair. I look at the time, it's 7:00 am. I quickly throw my hair up in a bun and grab my luggage. I drag it to the kitchen, placing it near the table. I grab some bread and placing it in the toaster. I wait a couple of minutes for my toast, when it pops up I butter it and spread my favourite spreading on it. I grab a plate and sit down, also grabbing a glass of water before sitting down. I munch on my toast and sip on my water for a while, before I hear a knock on my door.

I put my plate and cup in the sink, brush the crumbs off my shirt and go to answer the door. When I answer the door, Happy Hoggan is there. He is wearing a black and white tuxedo and black sunglasses. "Good to see you again, Y/N". Happy says to me, except he doesn't smile. "Good to see you too, Happy". I reply. "Just grab your things and we shall head off". Happy says, I nod and rush to grab my things from the kitchen. I carry it all outside. I shut the front door behind me and carry my luggage to the car.

"Okay so I'm not sure if Tony told you, but we will be heading to Stark Tower". Happy begins, I perk up when he says Avengers tower. I had seen it before, but never had the chance to go inside. I feel a rush of excitement surge through me. "We will not be staying there for long. It is just where Tony and another person will be meeting us". He says, helping me putting my luggage into the car. "Who else is meeting us there?" I ask Happy, looking at him confused. He looks at me and actually smiles at me, before replying "you'll see". I look at Happy, slightly confused. Instead of questioning him further, I hop inside the car. We head off towards Stark Tower, in complete and utter silence. My mind races to who else could be meeting us there. I'm guessing Peter... my heart flutters when I think of him. 

Throughout the car trip, I continue to think of Peter. A big smile is plastered across my face, my cheeks are slightly pink and my heart is speeding up. We finally reach Stark Tower, Happy gets out of the car and grabs my bags. I exit the car, looking up at the gigantic building. It still never ceases to amaze me. I help Happy get my bags through the doors of Stark Tower. We enter the lobby, and I hear a very familiar voice speak to us. "It's good to see you again Y/N". Tony Stark says to me, smiling. I smile at him, until I realise who is standing next to him... It's Peter.

I owe you guys a big apology, I have been busy and very distracted lately. But I would like to thank you guys for all the kind words of support and I am still shocked that so many people enjoy reading this. I will bust my ass to upload a longer chapter for you guys. 

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