Chapter 8: Months later...

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Reader's P.O.V:

3 months have past since I began at Midtown High School. Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Jake Miller and Michelle Jones, are my best friends there.  Over that period of time at Midtown High, I have competed in the school's decathlon competitions, and have become closer to Peter, Ned, Jake and M.J. I have even gotten the chance to explore New York City in a different perspective with Peter. After finding out about Peter's secret identity as Spider-Man, we started to organise nights for the two of us to explore New York City. Together we go out on little night trips around New York City, sitting on top of roof-tops, bill-boards etc. Peter soon found out about my powers and got a room set up at the new Stark Tower, where Peter trains. On one of me and Peter's night outs, Tony Stark came looking for him. We were gazing upon the city and it was there where I got the chance to meet Tony Stark. Peter introduced me to Tony Stark, after a while of Peter and Tony talking, Tony suggested that I train with Peter at Stark Tower. Although he didn't know I was Captain America's daughter, until like a month after, because he overheard me talking to Peter about my true identity.

Other than training, I have not been very busy lately. 2 weeks ago, Peter had to go up state to do some 'work' with Mr Stark and the Decathlon meetings have been put on hold for a few weeks and I also have ungodly amount of work to finish. It is a Sunday afternoon and I am currently on my bed writing my English essay on a book assigned to us, it is called 'The Dragon Keeper' by Carole Wilkinson. I have just finished the book half an hour ago, and I am now currently working on the last 2 paragraphs. I continue to write my essay. I get a few DINGS from my phone, indicating that I have message. I put down my pen and check my phone, it's a message from Peter. I feel a rush of excitement and quickly open up my phone, to check the message.

Peter's messages: (3 unread messages)


Spider-boy: If they find out about this pic, I'm dead.


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I laugh at the photo, of Thor and Bruce Banner. I'm exceedingly overjoyed that Peter is having fun. I mean who wouldn't when you are hanging out with the Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Thor?! I decide to take a break from my essay and head to the roof top, to relax for a bit. I put my essay down on my bedside table, and out my bedroom door. I head towards the stairs that lead to the roof. As I walk up towards the rooftop, I get another DING from my phone. I check it and this time I have received a message from Ned.

Ned's messages: (1 unread message)

Big Nerd: Hey Y/N! There is a school party tonight and everyone is invited!!

Small but mighty: That's so cool! What time?

Big Nerd is typing...

Big Nerd: It's starts at 7 pm! It finishes at 12 am

Small but mighty: Wow, that's long...

Big Nerd: Haha yeah, we don't have to stay the whole time.

Small but mighty: Yeah, I don't think my mum would let me stay at a party that long XD

Big Nerd: XD same. So are you up for the party?

Small but mighty: Definitely! Shall we meet up there?

Big Nerd: I'll pick you up! Also the party is at Flash Thompsons house. (Weird right?)

Small but mighty: Wow... That's definitely weird. But yeah okay I'll you at 6:30 pm!

Big Nerd: See you later Y/N!

Small but mighty: Bye Ned!!

I put my phone into my back-pocket and open the door, that leads to roof. I feel the rays of sun kiss my face as I walk on the roof-top. It's only 5:00 pm, so the sun is just starting to set. I get out my phone and take pictures of the view, also pictures of the sunset. When I am done I place my phone back into my pocket and just stand at the edge of the building. I let the cold breeze hit my face, it's was quite pleasant. I close my E/C eyes. I start to take deep, calming breaths to calm myself and just allow myself to just appreciate the moment. I am just stand there for a good 15 minutes, before finally opening my eyes and allowing them to adjust to the light. It's only 5:15 pm, so I decide to down-stairs and get ready for the party.

I head back down-stairs and head to my room. I throw my H/C hair into a messy bun, before heading to my closet. I open my closet, to reveal hundreds of different types of clothing. I pick out a white dress, with some pants 3/4 leggings. It's a bit cold today I also pull out a aqua cardigan, I grab a pair of blue wedges to go with it. (Outfit down below)

I get dressed into my outfit, and then pull out my H/C hair, allowing it to fall against my face

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I get dressed into my outfit, and then pull out my H/C hair, allowing it to fall against my face. I quickly give it a quick brush, before moving onto makeup. I am already wearing a bit of makeup, so I decide to just touch it up with some mascara, eye-liner and powder. I look in the mirror, I believe I look decent enough for a party. I check the time and it's already 5:30. I suddenly remember that I haven't told my mum about me going out. She is at work so I quickly pick up my phone and message her, telling her that I'll be at a party till 11 pm. I hear a honk from outside my house. I go to the window and see Ned waving to me, from the ground. I laugh, he is wearing his 'iconic' party hat. I grab my phone, and run down stairs.

"HEY Y/N!" Ned yells, as I exit my house. I give Ned a big hug, before hopping into the back seat next to him. "How are you, Ned?" I ask him. "I'm good! I've been a bit bored, after Peter left it's been a bit quiet". Ned replies, I nod in agreement. Ned smirks at me "you miss him too, hey?" He asks me, I blush a little and nod. "Of course, it's been 2 weeks already without him. It's weird not having Peter around. But fortunately, he did message me earlier about his day". I say in an excited voice, remember his message about Thor and Bruce Banner. "Ooo, SHOW ME!" Ned exclaims, in a dramatic voice. I laugh, before showing Ned the message Peter sent me. Ned eyes widen in amazement, I can see the excitement flashing through his eyes. "NO WAY! That lucky little shit!" Ned says, in disbelief. "Language". Ned's mum says, Ned has a guilty look on his face, which makes me laugh.

As we ride in the car to Flash Thompson's house for the party, me and Ned catch up. We are already in Term 2 and so our timetables have changed. I unfortunately do NOT share any of my classes with Ned, other than Gym class. So unfortunately we do not see each other, until lunch, but even then we are both becoming busy studying for tests. Before we even reach Flash's house, we already see kids older and younger than us, all dressed up and heading towards the party. "I swear this party is gonna go down hill quickly". I hear Ned say, I laugh silently. The car pulls up in a spare parking spot, we 'thank' Mrs Leed and exit the car. "Ready Y/N?" Ned asks me, pulling out a spare hat, almost identical to his hat. I laugh and put the hat on "Ready, let's do this!" I exclaim, we head towards the house, it's covered in lights, music blasting through the speakers. We enter the house and into the party. We look around... It is chaotic

I AM SOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SOONER! School has been chaotic and I have been so busy trying to catch up on other things in life too! Holidays are coming up very soon, so hopefully more chapters will be released within that time! Till the chapter, BYEEEE xx

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