Chapter 10: Ned and Michelle find out

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Reader's POV: 

I look over at Michelle and Ned, a guilty look plastered across my face. Ned looks flustered, trying to find the appropriate words to address the situation. Michelle is still panting, I can see she is obviously trying to process everything that has just happened. I am just standing there nervous as hell, when Ned finally looks at me. He doesn't look pissed... thank goodness. "Okay... can you PLEASE explain what the hell just happen?" Ned asks me, a serious look in his eyes. "Okay, but first can we head somewhere a bit more private?" I ask them, not wanting to reveal anything in this area, as we were still really close to the party. Ned and Michelle nod and we head off. 

We find ourselves at the local park, close to my house. Other than the heavy breathing from the three of us, the park was completely quiet. We sit down on the benches, Ned and Michelle look at me, awaiting an answer. "Okay... so I assume you guys want me to explain how I managed to take down a group of 5 people, all by myself?" I say, I feel my palms become sweaty. Ned and Michelle nod. I take in a deep breath, before explaining revealing my true identity and my powers. As I explain everything to them, I take in their reactions. Ned looks excited, he has a spark in his eyes. Michelle looks shocked, her mouth is agape and her eyes wide. 

When I finish talking, I wait for them to say something. Ned shrieks with excitement "THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER BEEN TOLD!! Well almost, BUT STILL!" Ned is hugs me tightly and starts ranting on about how cool I was, and occasionally asking me questions about my previous life. 'Did you go on missions? Did you get to meet Tony Stark? Who is your mother?' and questions kept continuing, until I covered his mouth with my hand. "Okay to answer your first 3 questions. I did not go on missions, I didn't get to meet Tony Stark and my mother died a year after I was born". I say to him, Ned's widen when I reveal what happened to my mother. "What happened to her?" Michelle asks, it was the first thing she had said since I told her my identity. "She was attacked... I don't know by who, neither does my dad. All my dad said was that he found her dead, with gun shots to her heart". I explain, my voice breaks a little. It's quite hard talking about it. 

"Y/N... I am so sorry". Ned says to me, an apologetic look in his eyes. Michelle and Ned give me a big hug, which I return happily. "It's fine guys... It happened years ago". I say, in a reassuring tone. "Let's head back to my place for the night". Ned says to us, smiling happily. "Yeah sure! But before we do, don't you think we should get a spare change of clothes?" Michelle says, gesturing to our party clothes. Ned chuckles nervously, before suggesting that we head back to our houses for a quick change of clothes. We agree and set off together, to each others house. 

Time Skip... 

It's around 12:50 am, by the time we reach Ned's house with a spare change of clothes and toiletries. We enter Ned's house and head up to the lounge room. Ned grabs a few spare pillows and blankets for us. "So what are we going to do now?" Michelle asks us. "What about a game of truth or dare?" Ned suggests, we all shrug but agree to play. But before we even sit down, my phone goes off. It's a message from Peter.

Peter's messages:

Spider-boy: Go to Ned's balcony, alone.

'What...' I think to myself, highly confused. "Hey Ned, could I go to your balcony for a bit of air?" I ask Ned, trying not to look suspicious. Ned smiles, before replying "Yeah sure, take as much time as you need". I thank Ned, and head to the balcony. I close the door behind me and look out towards the night sky. It's silent, I wait a few more moments, nothing. I turn to go back inside, but I am face to face with Spider-Man. 

"Took you long enough to turn around". Peter says in a cocky voice. I smirk, and pull off his mask. I take in his appearance. From his bright brown eyes, that sparkled whenever he laughed or smiled, his fluffy brown hair, his sharp jawline, his pink kissable lips. "Am I that good looking Y/N?" I hear him say, which snaps me out of my state. He chuckles, before swinging himself upright. "Sorry, it's just that I missed having you around". I admit, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. Peter hugs me, his strong arms pulling me close to him. I hug back, placing my head in the crook of his neck. 

"I came to make sure you were okay. Although I do have to head off again". He says, he looks like he resistant to leave me. "Thanks for checking up on me, Spidey". I say, I give him one last hug. He turns to leave with a final 'good-bye'. I hand Peter's mask to him. Before Peter puts his mask on, I tiptoe to reach his height and gently kiss his cheek. His cheeks flush scarlet, his brown eyes widen, a goofy smile comes across his lips. "I-I-uh, B-bye". He stutters, I chuckle and reply back as he swings away. "See you soon Peter". 

I head back inside, my cheeks lightly flushed with pink. Ned and Michelle are talking amongst themselves, when I enter the room. "Hey guys, you still up for truth or dare?" I say, smiling. "Yeah! We were just waiting for you". Ned says happily. I sit down and begin the game. "So Y/N, truth or dare?" Ned says, he has an evil smirk plastered across his face. "Dare". I reply back, looking him dead in the eye. "I dare you to prank call your mother". Ned says, grinning evilly. "Oh no. You little shit Ned!" I exclaim, laughing. "Language". Michelle says, mocking my voice. I laugh even harder, poking my tongue out at her. I pull out my phone and block my number. "Well here goes nothing". I say, before dialling my mother's number and putting it on speaker. 

Phone conversation: (A/N: This prank call was inspired by a prank call ComedyShortsGamer did on his mother). 

Mother: Hello?

Y/N: *fake accent* "Yes hello. My name is Sophie. I work at the local T.V store. I just wanted to confirm the T.V delivery for tomorrow". 

Mother: Woah, woah, what! I never ordered a T.V!

Y/N: M'am it clearly states here on my computer that you ordered a T.V from us.

Mother: No I did not! I did not order a T.V 

Y/N: But it clearly states-

Mother: I don't care what it states! I did not order a bloody T.V!

Y/N: But if you didn't, then who did?

Mother: I don't know! I don't even remember or recall ordering a T.V?

Y/N: Maybe you did it while drunk?


Y/N: *bursts into fits of laughter and drops the accent* Hi mum.

Mother: Y/N! Oh my bloody goodness! That was not funny!

Y/N: *continues to be in hysterics* S-sorry mum! It was a dare!

Mother: Ah, you rascal~ I'll admit you got me good. 

Y/N: *chuckles* I'll see you tomorrow mum.

Mother: See you tomorrow sweetie. 

Y/N hangs up the phone, still chuckling. I turn to look at Ned and Michelle, who are in tears laughing. "That was bloody amazing!" Ned says, shrieking with laughing. I laugh with them. "EXCUSE ME! I DO NOT DRINK!" Michelle says, in a high-pitch, very exaggerated voice. I laugh even harder, at the imitation of my adoptive mother. After we stop laughing, we continue the game of truth or dare. Making more pranks call and admitting to some highly embarrassing things, until we finally decide to head to sleep...

I AM SOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! I have been so caught up with Halloween, and life!! I am also REALLY SUPER excited for a return of a certain 90's series. For all those people who have seen Hey Arnold! The 90's show, produced by Nickelodeon, I assume you also know that Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie is finally going to be released after 15 years! Happy Halloween by the way!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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