End of the Day

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A/N: before you start I know i said i wouldn't update in 4 days but i get a break until 12:30

    The classed ended and i waited for the bell to ring. I collect my things, take my phone out and text Jack letting him know school is out for the day. He replied that he would call in a bit. I check the time. 3:10 PM. One more minute! 3. 2. 1. YESSS! IT RANG!! I run out of my classroom like The Flash into the downstairs area with older students telling me to get out of the hall because 8th grade students are considered to be " Juniors" still so we gotta stay in our end. I see Celes at her locker and i went to scare her.

" BOO!!" I screamed

" WHAT THE FUCK, ANN!?" she yelled. " Don't do that again!" 

" Sorry. I gotta tell you something. We can go  to the park i gotta ask my mom my mom first." I explained.

" Okay. I'm almost done." She said packing her bag. After she was done, we left through the front door. We soon get to my house and i go inside to see my mother sitting on the couch zoned in her Netflix show and noticing that my brother isn't home.

" Hey Ma! Can Celes and I go to the park and where's bro?" I asked clenching my phone in my sweaty palms.

" Yes and Landon is with your grandparents in Canada" she explained

" Okay thanks!" I said nodding at the not-so-innocent, Celes. We place our bags inside the house and walk to the park, which isn't that far.  My phone started to ring when we got there.

" Hello?" I asked, once again, shyly.

" Hey Annie!!!" Jack said. I laugh at his optimism

" You're too happy!" I said rubbing my Antisepticeye phone case.

" That's my job!" He laughed cutely

" I want you to kinda meet someone." I started sitting on a freshly cut patch of grass with Celes. I put the phone on speaker. " Celes..Meet Jack."

"Hi!" Said the young Irish man. Celes started to kinda freak out.

" Hii!! I have been wanting to meet you for so long!! Annie, how'd you get Jack's number?!" she asked me.

" I was try'na text my childhood friend, Kayla when somehow I got Jack's number." I explain

" DON"T FORGET WE'RE HEAR!!" Felix yelled in the background. 

" YOU"RE STILL THERE?!" I yelled over top of Celes' fangirling. 

" Yaa!!" Mark said.

" Let's get to know ye!" Jack said with Irish spirit! I laugh.

" Mk. 

Full name: Annie Historia 

Age: 13

Hobbies: Writing, Drawing and doing Youtube--" 

" Wait, You're a Youtuber?"  Felix asked

" Yeah, so is she." I explained

" Give us your channels!!! We'll subscribe to ya!" Mark said.

" Kay. Mine is AnnieTheNekoVolgger and her's is Celesterra." I explained. 

~~ Massive Time skip~~

Jack, Mark, Felix, Celes and I talked to each other for hours until my 8 PM curfew. 

" I am so sorry, Jack! I gotta go. My curfew is now. Can you text me Felix and Mark's numbers? I wanna give it to Cel too." I said apologetically.

" Yeah I sure can! You go home for the night." Jack said. 

" Okay. Bye, Sean." I said 

" Bye, Annie" He said as we both hit end call. I get back home, shower and watch Youtube for a bit.

" Top'o the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye!" I heard Jack's voice say. 

' Hard to believe that I actually am texting/calling this guy.' I thought. Soon after more video's i felt myself drifting to sleep, thinking about Jack.

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!  I finally got this done! I am so sorry for the long wait. Sudden things with family came up but hear it is! 

DISCLAIMER: The Youtube names I put up there are NOT actual channels.  Do not search them cuz they will not show up. But my " Channel name" is going to be my account name on hear.

AnnieTheNekoWriter. That's what it will be called. 

PLZ do not think i am shipping myself with Jack/Sean. I never wanted/intended to. BOIIII


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