The Fallen Demon

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    ~~ Jack's P.O.V~~ ( I do Mark a lot so why not some change)

 Mark caught Annie as she fainted. I touched her forehead only to feel how burning hot she is. 

" Felix!! Grab a cold-ass cloth!!" I commanded

" What w--" 

" DON'T ASK QUESTIONS DUMBASS! JUST DO IT!!!" I yelled and Felix flew into the kitchen to get a cloth. He came back and I placed it on her head. Mark took her upstairs and closed the door. 

" Hopefully she'll be okay." Tyler said.

" She should be..." Mark said.

" We should make an update video." I suggested.

" Yeah..." Ethan said

   After the recording and very little editing we decide to relax for a bit. Suddenly I hear a sound from upstairs like someone opening a window.

" The fuck was that?!" Mark asked in fear.

" i dunno but it sounded like it came from Annie and Jack's room." Felix said. We all run upstairs and slam open the door. We look around but Annie is no where in sight. I notice that the window is opened and a note was on the bed. I walk over to the note and read it.

" I went out. Do not try to find me. I am a demonic creature and I am very dangerous right now. I will not harm anyone just don't come to find me."

" There's no way she coulda jumped out that window with out dying. Unless Neko helped her." Tyler said.

" True. I just hope that she didn't go back to the house." I said.

" Should we go check?" Felix suggested

" Hell no!! What if we get caught!?" I scolded

" We won't. Let's go see!" Felix persuaded 

" Fine. Let's go." I said

" Should we bring a flashlight? Just in case?" Mark asked.

" Yeah i guess." I said.

 ~~Time skip~~

We get to Annie's house and go through the backdoor. We pick locked the door and walk inside. 

" Okay. Mark and I'll take up stairs. Tyler and Ethan, take this floor and Felix takes the attic. " I said and we split up. We start in a smaller room with a crib, I assumed it would be her little brothers room.

" Annie? Are you here?" Mark said. No reply.

" Not here." I said. We go to Annie's room. I see her clean desk and decided to go through her drawers. 

" Damn..nothing but loose leaf, Sketching paper, pencils and--" I stop and feel something like metal touching my hand. I pull out a large butcher knife with freshly stained blood. I stair at it with what possible reason's why Annie would have a knife in her room with blood on it. I run out of the room into her mothers room with the now dark red bloodstains on the carpet. I reluctantly touch the blood on the knife. Sticky and warm. I touch the blood on the carpet. Dry and cold. 

" Hey Jack are you alright?" Mark asked.

" Yeah. Let's get the others." I said. We go downstairs and see them sitting on the stairs waiting for us.

" There you are!" Ethan said

" Find anything? Annie maybe?" I asked

" Not Annie. We didn't find anything." Tyler said.

" Nothin'" Felix said

" Well we found this knife with freshly stained blood in Annie's room. It only feels like a few minutes fresh. Possibly only about 5 minutes ago." Mark explained

" Okay let's go." Tyler said. 

~~ Timeskip cuz Ann-Chan is lazy af~~

We get home and sit on the couch to wait for Annie. I check the time on my phone. 10:27 PM. Then the door opens and we all turn around to see a cold Annie.

" ANNIE!" We all yelled and rushed up to hug her. She stopped us to show us a doctors note. She looked down in silence with her hair drooping over her eyes. Mark took the note and read it aloud.

" Annie Historia has been diagnosed with Sanity loss and will have side affects from the pills which are the following:

- Psychotic laughter

- Suicidal actions

- Night terrors

- Urge to kill

- Self harm

   Watch over her carefully and calm her down by showing her affection or doing one of her interests. Thank you for you're time

                                                                        -Doc. Emma McKenzie." 

" Annie...How long have you been diagnosed with Sanity Loss?" I asked. No response.

" Please Annie! Tell Jack!" Mark said calmly. No response. 


" I known since I was 3 that I would be losing my sanity. So when I turned 8 I became more mature and kept distant from people. When I turned 10, I had a year full of depression until my 11th birthday. I found your videos when I was 9 along with Marks. So when I turned 12 I went to the doctor and he said to get help from a psychologist. That's where McKenzie comes in. She diagnosed me and gave me prescription drugs." She explained. I go down to her height.

" We went to your house and found a knife with freshly stained blood on it. Did you cut yourself?" I asked her. She nodded and looked at me with teary eyes. She hugged me and the others joined.

" I'm sorry.." She said

" Shhh. It's okay." I said

" I want my sanity back! I want my life back!! I want to have a family!!" She yelled

" We are your family, Annie." Mark said with comfort in his voice.

" Do you mean it?" she asked

" Yes." Mark said. Then a knock came to the door. Tyler opened the door and I saw Celes from the other day.

" Is Annie here? " she asked.

" Yeah. Annie! You have a visitor." Tyler said. Annie ran out of our grip fast and jump-hugged her only school friend. 

" Oh Ann-Chan! I'm so sorry!" She said hugging her friend. " Is there anything that I can do?" she looked at Mark and me.

" Nothing. You can't fix me. Nothing is fixable. I'm a fallen demon!" She said.

" No..your not! You just need to--" Celes stopped and skimmed her fingers across Annie's back. She pressed on her shoulder blade and Annie winced in pain. She made Annie turn around and lifted up her shirt only to be terrified.

" Wh--what is it?" I asked

" Come see for yourself!" She said with her right hand cuffed on her mouth. I couldn't believe what I saw and neither could the others...

I did the cliffhanger on purpose!!! HA!! Sorry it's so long. I'm gonna end this soon idk when though. BOIII


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