Go Away!

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        I finish my muffin and coffee so I decided to go see what Celes is up to. I walk to her house and knock on the door. Her mother opens the door and smiles.

" Good morning, Annie! How are you?" She asked. Celes' mother hasn't seen me in ages. I dunno how long to be exact.

" Good morning, Laura! I'm good how about you?" I asked politely 

" I'm good."

" Is Celes home?" I asked

" Yes she is." She said letting me come into the smaller family home. Celes comes down the stairs dressed in her usual blue and green stripped hoodie and jean shorts. She smiles at me and comes to hug me.

" Hey Annie! How are ya?" 

" Good enough. What 'bout you?" I asked her

" Meh." 

" Oh~ I love your little friend~ I might have fun with her too~" I heard Anti say behind me. I turn around fast only to see nothing.

" Ann? You okay?" Celes asked. I turn around and blush of embarrassment. 

" Sorry." I said

" Hey are you feeling okay? You're really pale right now and you look like you saw a ghost." Celes said.

" Yeah i'm fine" I lied. I wasn't though. I'm scared Anti will do something to my only friend I ever really had. 

" Don't lie, Annie~ I can taste your fear~" Anti said. I ignore Anti for now.

" Okay but tell me if you start feeling sick." Celes ordered. I nodded and we head upstairs with Anti following behind me. 

" So what do ya wanna do?" I asked.

" Have fun~" Anti said.

" I dunno. Wanna go get Starbucks?" I asked.

" Awwww Annie~ You're no fun.." Anti pouted 

" Sure!" Celes said. She never had Starbucks before so this should be fun.

" I'll pay." I said.

" WHAT NO!! I'LL PAY!!" Celes protested

" No you won't. Please I insist. " I convinced. 

" Fine but i'm buying you something in return." Celes said.

" You can give me something in return~" Anti said.

" Shut up!" I whispered harshly. Luckily Celes didn't hear me say that.

" You're so rude. I just wanna have fun with my two new play things~" Anti said touching my arms. Shivers where sent up my spine but I didn't say anything.

" Okay let's go!" I said. Celes grabbed some money and we left with Anti tagging along. We get inside the store and we see Sydney and her crew sitting at  table. 

" Want me to go see what they're talking about?" Anti asked. 

" Yes please." I whispered. 

"Can I have an iced Mocha please?" I asked politely.

" Absolutely! And you?" said the cashier.

" Iced Mocha too please." Celes said. I payed and at at the table i sat at this morning.

~ Anti's P.O.V~

I teleport over to Sydney's table and listen to they're conversation. 

" I can't believe that!" Ava said.  

" Yeah!" Olivia said

" I know right! All the boys are messaging me now." Sydney said 

" Because of that picture?" Breanna asked.

" No shit dumb ass!" She said before giving her a hard smack. 

" What the hell Sydney!" Breanna said holding her cheek.

" That's what you get for being dumb like Annie!"

" So true! Hey is that her and her only friend other than that Jack guy?" Ava asked.

" Yeah it is! Let's go fight her outside!"Olivia suggested. I teleport back to there table.

"Annie~ "

" Anything?" she whispered.

" They wanna start a fight outside. Keep your guard up. Protect Celes. I'll protect you." I explained. Annie nodded.

" Look who we have here! It's the whore!" Sydney spat. 

" I am not a whore! If i was then i would be sleeping with someone right now!" Annie protested. 

" Agree to start a fight." I said. she nodded.

" Wait guys. Remember what the guy on her phone said? He might kill us!" Breanna reminded. 

" You don't believe that shit story do you?!" Sydney spat.

" I do!" She said.

" Shut up!! I'll deal with you later! Lets go outside!" Sydney said.

" Fine!" Annie said knowing she had the upper hand. We follow them to a back ally where no one was around. They push her around and try to get to Celes but she did what she was told. She'll make a great play thing~ NO NOT THE TIME, ANTI! I giggled enough for everyone to hear.

" What was that?" Ava asked. Annie smiled.

" Your worst nightmare." Annie said. " ANTI!!"

" Wait waa?" Celes asked. I showed myself everyone and smiled like a psycho.

" Wh-who is this!?" Sydney asked.

" Now Anti!" Annie commanded

" As you wish~" I one punch the girls so far that they landed at the park.

" Anti? What the hell is Anti doing hear?" Celes asked.

" I am her protector for the next 24 hours. And she is also my play thing~ You are also my play thing, my dear~" I said holding Celes' sholders

" GET OFF!" Celes yelled.

" Anti...no!" Annie yelled.

" Awe fine. I guess i'm done." I said disappearing.

~ Annie's P.O.V~

   After the little fight and attempt for Anti to seduce Celes and I , Celes took me home. We hugged and she left. She said bye to Anti too.

" Anti likey~" Anti said 

" WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!?" I asked in shock. Well me and my klutzy self fell over after Anti appeared behind me.

" Ow fuck!" I yelled

" Don't get hurt. I should--" 

" Anti...stop. I have a headache and I need sleep. I am off to bed. Do what you want but DO NOT BUG ME!!" I said.

" Okay fine. Good night." Anti said. I went upstairs and went to bed.

Yeah..... this is really long i know. 987- 1000 words. I'm shocked. Thank you all for the amount of reads this story has! BOIIII


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