IV:Sweet And Sour

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Music: Encounter
Morning soon came being greeted with rain as usual even though it was mid-October I wouldn't expect snow so early but it was still chilly as I stepped outside.

I shivered a bit even though I wore leggings, it still didn't help that I was still a bit cold. I walked toward the train station with my hands in my pockets and I sighed as I finally made it, a bit earlier than usual but at least I had the stamina to even get up in the morning.

But, since I had time I went to the nearest vending machine and pulled out a dollar smiling in victory as I put it in. "The only thing good about being this sneaky is that I can steal money of Marianne's purse. Shouldn't be proud of it but I am if it can get me a sweet cappuccino."

I whispered to myself and had chuckled as the medium sized can fell into the slot at the bottom of the vending machine. "Victory never felt so warm."

I cuddled with the warm can for a moment and turned on my heel to wait for my train, I didn't expect to make it almost fifteen minutes earlier than I usually do. So I pulled out my phone, plugging in my ear buds to watch the latest talk show that was on the air last night.

I was so engrossed and intrigued with the conversation on it that I failed to recognize someone had approached me until I hear their voice. "It seems that you're interested in the phantom thieves as well." "..I wouldn't say interested."

I shrug not even bothering to look at the person who was trying to avert my attention to them instead of my screen. The person chuckled in a light hearted tone and I sigh pausing the video turning to look at them like they wanted "Did you need some-" I spoke coldly and realize my mistake.

The messy brown hair and auburn eyes stared down at me with a simple yet sweet smile, it was him. I couldn't even bring myself to deny that it wasn't a cosplayer or just someone fooling around, it was actually Goro Akechi himself.

In a fluid motion, I made sure that my hood was covering my face as much as possible-since I was told by Marianne that my face wasn't even worth looking at and it should be hidden. "I only came over to say hello since you seemed quite lonely and distanced from all the other people. But what's your name if I may ask."

He asked sweetly, thus begun the internal conflict knowing full well that I shouldn't even be revealing information as crucial as a name was bothersome. "Y/n......F/n L/n..." I spoke quietly and looked around my surroundings carefully as I sighed a bit

"Goro Akechi. It's nice to meet you Y/n." "Yeah, sure whatever but you really shouldn't be around someone like me at all. That's why I'm hiding my stupid face so you wouldn't have to look at it or even recognize me the next time we even meet...."

I whisper just enough so that he could hear me and all I got in return was a head tilt and another smile "Well maybe I just want to see your face, it may not be as stupid as you make it out to be." 

He smiled again and eyed my uniform "Plus the hoodie and Shujin uniform are easy to memorize so I could pinpoint you in a crowd so I could still find you." He chuckles once more and I mentally curse myself for how fast he could think.

If I could be spotted easily by him then I would be able to get spotted by just about anyone and that would be the last thing I want. "That is true...." I technically gave him the final piece that he wanted by admitting defeat, he had me in check mate. "Now, are you going to show me your face?"

He knows that I'm trapped and I had no other options, so I groaned and removed the hood from my face "Why do you want to see my stupid face for...? Talk about pushy..."

Sorrowful (e/c) eyes dart to look at his face for a moment, looking almost ashamed of myself. But he recognized the bruises on my face and that my eyes looked dull and lifeless "I see you Y/n." "...Please stop talking."

I put my hood back over my head and he smiles giving my head a light pat "You don't need to hide your face, there isn't a need to do that. But those marks aren't your typical accident marks, how did they happen?"

He questioned but as soon as I opened my mouth to speak my train was called "I can't answer that..." I quickly grabbed my bag and ran toward the train not realizing my phone had fell out of my pocket, knowing full well that something like that was vital. Akechi picked up the object and observed it for a moment before putting it in his pocket.
As soon as I had gotten off the train I recognized my mistake extremely late. "Ms. Marianne is going to be so pissed off." Tears started brimming and a low growl emitted from my lips "Shit, I'm so dead. I'm going to die..."

I was so scared I couldn't even bring myself stop shaking. Thinking about the angered features and harsh items that could be cracked against my skull over and over made it difficult for me to concentrate on where I was going.

Anxiety rushed through my body the more I had thought about the punishment that I would get but not only that-I couldn't listen to music to block out the voices.

It became overwhelming the more I walked through the halls of Shujin Academy. To anyone else this wasn't as bad as I had made it out to be, but my mind is darker than anyone else's. I would always get shivers whenever people were around me, it always felt like everyone was out to get me.

It was always like that ever since I first transferred here; pick on the transfer, spread rumors about the transfer, and all these other things to make a person feel like complete trash. It makes me wonder how Akira does it, all he does is sit quietly, speak when spoken to and basically mind his own business.

But all of this crap has to happen to me..if anything one could say that I'm envious of him for having a mind made of pure steel so no one's words get in his head and aggravate him to hell and back. It never bothered him "T-the hell....? W-Why...?" But it always bothered me. Students scribbled on my desk in black ink telling me to die and that I whore myself around to all the boys in my school.

When the students in my class seen my reaction they laughed wholeheartedly as if I told the best joke of the year with me being a simple punchline. I tried to be sensible with people around me, telling myself not everyone in this world is mean. B-but I was wrong, not once or twice either-it was the third time that I wanted to believe in humanity and it let me down.

I won't lie to myself any more "I-I fucking hate this life....I hate it.....I hate it so much....!" I crouched down and began to cry as everyone kept laughing. Why does everything have to be so bitter?

Just an hour ago, everything was sweet-nothing in that moment was wrong. But when I step away, everything goes straight down to hell. None of it made sense, but I'll give them what they want. 'I got my wish already so there's nothing else to live for...'

Once that final thought cut across my mind, I grabbed my stuff and ran up to the school's roof.

It was quiet and no one was around to witness me die from up here and to think that I was happy and that I could hold out for so long was just a damn lie.  I tugged at my (h/c) locks crying feeling frustrated at my problems. I felt that this was the only possible way to deal with all of this and maybe, it'll all just go away.

I smiled to myself as I walked over to the edge of the roof standing on it; looking down with tears present "I won't feel pain much longer, I'll be happy."

I whispered to myself letting everything go, kissing the concrete as we finally met as one...

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