6) Mr. Moonlight

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Liza's POV

Mr. Moonlight

You came to me one summer night

And from your beam you made my dream

And from the world you sent my girl

And from above you sent us love

And now she is mine
I think you're fine

Cos we love you,

Mr. Moonlight

I hated how tonight was a new moon. I made it to my house a little past 11, and the black sky made my house look haunting. I knew what was waiting for me inside. I was home late and I didn't make him dinner. I contemplated sleeping in my car, but I knew that he would just come outside. I needed courage. I needed strength. I needed a place to hide.

But I had non of those qualities.

I got out of my car and suddenly felt like I was being watched. I looked up to the windows, but none of the curtains were drawn back, and none of the lights were on. But I didn't see anyone as I drove to my house.

We lived in the secluded part of the neighborhood. Our house sat upon a hill and out closed neighbors were a few hundred yards away. But the feeling didn't go away, so I slowly looked around, but no one was there.

But you didn't look up.

I prayed there was nothing there as the thought entered my mind. Why would there be something above me? My worst fear had always been that father remembered how to fly. After a few weeks of returning home drunk, the power and somewhat left him.

But even with fear swimming in my bones, I willed myself to look up.

And I wish I didn't.

Even after so many dreams, I still never believed that he would find me. I made one comment. One comment three years ago. But there he was, hovering about one hundred feet above our neighbor's house. And then I was frozen in place. I was scared.

He looked like a beacon of light in the moon-less night. His white armor practically glowed. And because he was looking at me, I knew that he saw me staring at him. Before I knew it, he was flying towards me.

And like the stupid girl I am, and ran toward doom and reached my front door.

"Liza, don't go in there," he whispered faintly, his voice carried in wind.

Mr. Moonlight
Come again please

Here I am on my knees, begging you please

I turned around to face the super standing less than ten feet away from me. I prayed that this was a dream. That I could wake up with a full moon above me.

"And why should I not."

Really? That's the question you ask?

Honestly I had thousands of questions running though my head. Why are you here? How did you find me? How long have you been watching me? Do I know you?

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