15)The Fool On The Hill

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Day after day, alone on the hill

The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still

But nobody wants to know him

They can see that he's just a fool

And he never gives an answer

For the first time in weeks Liza woke up with a smile. Memories of last night came flooding through her brain.  Dancing on the rooftop, kissing under the stars, the flight back to the manor. It was as if she was living a dream. A messed up dream, but a dream nonetheless. A light knock pulled Liza away from her memories and slowly a familiar brunette poked through.

"I was hoping that you'd be awake. How did the date go?" Becca asked eagerly. Liza sat up groaning, not ready to go back to the world of reality.

"I'd say absolutely perfect, but I think we both know that it would be a lie," she replied lightly laughing. "It was different. I'll give you that."

"But a good kind of different, right?"

"Yes Becca, a good kind of different," Liza answered, laughing more cheerily than before.

"You know that I wouldn't be a good best friend if I didn't ask for the deets."

"You are the only person who asks for 'deets' anymore, Becca."

Becca just sighed and walked around Liza's room, not particularly focusing on one thing. Every few minutes she would sigh, giving Liza her best puppy dog look.

"Becca, I'm not going to tell you anything. So why don't we go down for breakfast and then you can tell me about your own Halloween." Liza gave Becca her own puppy face, not wanting to share any information about last night.

"Fine, but only if I can ask three personal questions while were eating," she begged, trying to get out as much as she could from Liza.

"Fine," Liza replied throwing her pillow. "Only three."

Together the two of them made it through the maze Lucas called home, taking 10 minutes to get into the kitchen, where a familiar masked menace stood drinking tea and reading the newspaper.

"Good morning ladies. How did the two of you sleep," he asked, flashing Liza one of his oh-so-charming smiles.

"Who said I got any sleep, brother dear," Becca replied, mocking her brother.

"Your bear- like snores," he answered, laughing at his own joke. "And what about you Liza," he asked, putting down the paper to stare at her.

Liza rolled her eyes at him, turning away for a smile. This caused Becca to groan out loud.

"You both are like a bunch of children! Why can't you get along," she asked redundantly. "I'm off to the living room for some coffee and gossip. Please don't kill each other while I'm away," and with that Becca walked away, leaving the two silently laughing.

Liza waited until Becca had turned on her show before walking into the kitchen, taking a seat on the bar beside Lucas.

"So you didn't tell her anything I see," she said, pulling the paper from his grips. In response, he stood up, placing his arms around Liza's waist.

"Why would I? It's none of her business. But I'm surprised you didn't say anything. I mean I thought BFFs were supposed to tell each other EVERYTHING," Lucas answered, mocking her.

"My my, isn't someone quick this morning," Liza said chuckling, looping her hands around his neck. "But anyway, I thought it would be fun to mess around with her a bit."

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