7) I've Just Seen a Face

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I've just seen a face
I can't forget the time or place
Where we just met
She's just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see
We've met,


Had it been another day
I might have looked the other way
And I'd have never been aware
But as it is I'll dream of her


What the hell did I just do? I thought to myself as I flew over the town I now called home. A year ago, I wanted to kill that girl, and there I was, sending her to a safe haven. I really had reached a new low.

Currently, I was looking for the house of Rebecca Rene South. The house of the picture perfect sister that belong to the picture perfect family.

The Beaumonts.

My family...

I was tempted to fly home and change, but Becca knew who I was under the mask, so what was the point. My darling sister may have not been as perfect as the rest of my family, but she still resented me like the rest of them. Perhaps she would help her friend though.

I landed on her doorstep. Our family of course paid for the home. I mean, what first year college student lives in in a two story, 3000 sq. foot house on her own. Answer: a very rich one. I almost regretted coming here.


Ding. Dong.

The door opened and I was standing face to face with an everyday butler, you know the kind that are dresses in black and white and wear gloves. Let just say that I now regretted coming. It one thing to see a man scream. It another to see him scream and then faint.

"Mr. Collins, what seems to be the problem."

And in walks my sister. Still dressed in her everyday performance wear, which includes a too sparkling shirt and sky high red leather boots. One look at me and she practically ran right back up those stares.

"Wait! Rebecca come back. I need your help." I ran right back after her, bounding right over the unconscious Mr. Collins.

"What the hell are you doing here? I told you never to come near me again. I want nothing to do with your hobby." And again she stormed off.

"It's about Liza..." I whispered, letting the emptiness of the hall carry my sound. She turned to face me finally, and there was fire in her eyes.

I'm falling
Yes, I am falling

"What did you do?" she snapped at me. "Did you hurt her? Kill her? That kind of thing isn't below you, but what did you do to my best friend?" She glared at me. I couldn't meet her eyes.

"What did you to my best friend?" she screamed at me.

"I saved her. Or is that above me?"

She scoffed at me. "You saved her? Please, that goes against everything you told me three years ago. Do you realize that because of you I moved halfway across the country to go to school. I even changed my name! I couldn't face anyone in that town after what you did. And you saved her? What, does that make you a hero again?" She crossed her arms and glared at me. I knew what she was talking about, but she didn't. She didn't know the whole story.

"I know. I know that everything that happened three years ago was my fault."


"I know that you left because of me. And I didn't plan on letting you know that I was here." I sighed and pulled my mask off. My head hung down as I thought about my next words. "No, saving Liza does not make me a hero. I was never a hero Becca. And I promise to tell you everything. Just later. But right now I really need your help."

She continued to glare at me. I prayed  that words phased her.

"Liza needs your help Rebecca."

There, that should do the trick.

I finally saw her relent and stand down. I know it was bad, using my own sister like this, but what I sad was true. Liza did need her help.

"Fine, what do you need?" she sighed. She knew that I just won't the battle, but the war was just beginning.

"Do you know about the mansion located by the river?" She nodded. "Well, tomorrow around noon, I need you to go there and take Liza on a shopping trip. She can't return to her house anymore. And just send me the bill afterwards. But I bet she'll also need someone to talk to about all of this."

She looked down for a minute or two, just staring at her feet.

"Her father is a super isn't he? That's why you're butting in." I looked up at her in surprise and she started walking toward me. I nodded. She paused in front of me.

"She told me about the abuse, but always refused to bring in the law. And I guess that's why." She paused again. "Was he ever famous?"

I nodded once more.

"He was Sunburst." She gasped and covered her mouth, tears falling as she remembered the accident that claimed our mother. And for the first time in three years, I was embraced by my sister.

"Be careful. I may hate you, but you are still my brother. More than that, you are my twin. I couldn't bare to lose you. Especially to the same man who killed our mother." I hugged her back as we both fell into a mess of tears.

We stood there for minutes, but I knew what was in store for me tonight and I had to pull away from my sister hold.

"I have to leave Rebecca. I suggest that you and Collins join Liza at that mansion after shopping tomorrow. This town will soon be a battle field and I can't have you getting hurt ." I waled past her to open the window at the end of the hall.

"Be careful..."

I didn't turn back to her. I couldn't let her see me cry again.

"I will Becca, just keep Liza safe. I'll see you when I can."

I flew off and into the clouds hanging over the house. I lost control of my emotions and a storm was now brewing.

"Don't die Lucas," she whispered at the window.

  Hey Readers,

So y'all finally found out the Identity of the White Raven. And he finally saved Liza.

But did he really?

Send me your thoughts.

With Love
- The Writer

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