13)Hello, Goodbye

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You say yes, I say no
You say stop and I say go go go,
Oh no

You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello

Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello

Maybe it was Liza's fault for getting her hopes up. She had spent all day trying to get Becca out of the house. Once she finally left, Liza made sure she was quiet, not wanting to wake the sleeping super. But after all her work, here she sat alone, waiting for the mother who never came.

"She wont come Liza, you know that."

Liza jumped at the sound of the voice. One that only ever appeared in her dreams.

"I never called her did I?"

"Its hard to do that when you're asleep."

Liza turned to look at her hero. There he was, dressed in the same get-up as always. Since her last dream, hair had been added along with a more familiar face shape, but no eyes.

There were never eyes.

"Why are you here Raven? Why must you haunt my dreams now?"

"Hey, don't ask me, it's your dream. You can make me leave whenever."

"I want to wake up."

And so she did. She shot up in the darkness, her pillow still wet from her tears. She could see dawn peaking in from behind her curtains. Dawn. She forgot the last time she watched the sunrise, and decided to go to the roof to watch it peek over the trees. she stepped out onto the widow's walk, wrapping herself tighter in her blanket, the early autumn air dancing around her.

"I'm surprised that you're awake."

Liza jumped at the voice. She thought she was alone.

But then again, she always did.

"I had a bad dream," she replied to the figure.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't feel like talking to anyone. Not you. Not Becca. Just go away, all of you.".

"Liza please just talk to me. I want to help."


She turned around to face the stranger and realized just how screwed she was. She didn't know this man. Apparently she didn't know her best friend. In her dreams, she dreamt about a mother that she did not know. Her father was no longer the man she remembered. She was alone. Utterly alone.

"I don't know you," she said calmly. "I don't know Becca. I'm now living with strangers, one who which wanted to kill not to long ago. Or do you not remember that."

"Liza, please. Give us a chance to explain everything."

"You already have. Last night I heard all I needed to hear."

She walked away, forgetting about the sunrise. This was all Liza's fault. If she stayed with her father, she wouldn't have needed protection from him now. If she could have kept her brother home, her father wouldn't have changed and her life would have never changed.

"Liza, please, hear me out," he pleaded after her.

"Raven... do you know when I needed a hero most? Three years ago. I was so alone that I was ready to die. Why do you think I stood still against that robber three years ago? You knew back then that I wasn't a normal teenager. The truth being that I was alone with an abusive super as a father. And you know what Raven, you might have saved me from death last week, but you didn't save ME. So allow me this one wish... Get away from me."

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