14) I'm Happy Just to Dance With You

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I don't want to kiss or hold your hand

If it's funny try and understand

There is really nothing else I'd rather do

Cos I'm happy just to dance with you

Liza's POV

I didn't know what was wrong with me. I never spoke to guys outside of work, much less went out with them. And who was I kidding. I didn't know this guy. He was a stranger. But there was something about him that perplexed me, and no matter how much I wanted to ignore that feeling, I just couldn't.

"Becca, I need help," I said quietly, knocking on her door. I didn't speak to her much anymore, but she was the only person I could talk to about this.

"Sure Z, just give me a second," she said through the door. there was a bit of shuffling around before two figures appeared from behind the door.

"Please be carful tonight. I know there's been a few problems, but just remember everything will fall into place."

"I will Rebecca," He said exasperatingly. "Thank you for your advice. See you later little sis." He walked away, not even giving me a look. I had given up long ago of him ever trying to talk to me, but I guess that was now my fault. Two months ago, I wanted him to never speak to me again, but now... now I wanted to know if he still wanted me alive.

"I'm not your little sister Raven, I'm your twin." She looked back to me and stared. It had been months since I last came to her door step and this was the equivalent of that. "Now Z," she said ushering me into her room, "what do you need?"

"First don't call me Z anymore. It sounds childish and I have no use for a nickname anymore. Second, I need an outfit for tonight."

"And what in the world is tonight," she asked smirking at me, opening up her closet.

"I may have a date," I answered sheepishly.

"LIZA CARSON QUEEN YOU HAVE A DATE??????? Who is the guy? What's his name? How old is he? Why am I now just hearing about this? When did this happen? Where is he from. When did you meet him. Do you know anything about him."

"Woah, Becca, calm down. Look, I don't know much about the guy, but I have a good feeling about this. Besides, the guy is a friend of yours."

"Which friend," she asked accusingly. "You know that I have a lot of questionable friends, and I don't want you going out with them."

"Lucas Beaumont."

And in that moment she calmed down. No more questions, no more worries. She just looked disappointed.

"Just promise me that you wont hurt him."

I looked up at her, "I promise." "

Good," she said moving on. "Now about that outfit."


I stood outside, waiting in the trees. I wore a simple purple long sleeve an jeans, all my own. I fiddled with a mask in my hands. Becca thought hat since it was Halloween, I should be funny and wear a mask. I was still debating it when my date appeared into the grove.

"I thought the guy usually waited on the girl when it came to things like this," Lucas said laughing.

"Its ok," I replied laughing at him. "You still have a few minutes." I took a good look at him. He had sandy brown hair and greenish-blue eyes. I didn't know why, but he seemed so familiar.

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