19) Strawberry Fields Forever

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Let me take you down
'Cause I going to Strawberry Fields
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about
Strawberry Fields forever

The shock was gone, the pain was gone. All that remains was the betrayal of Becca's words and the stain of her blood on Liza's skin.

her father had left, going to give a "proper burial" to her mother. So alone set Liza staring at the limp body of her best friend. She began crying, then sobbing, then choking as a weeklong's needed air. Each breath of air made her cry harder. She was alone, utterly alone. She often felt like she was in an asylum well people watched her walls break. She can almost feel the nonexistent your eyes bearing into her.

The cold seeped into her bones and her tears dried. She could feel death's fingers prod her skin. She felt his nails Pinterest skin and each breath shorten. It would not be long now.

Annoys fell into the silent room as a shadow climb down the walls. He ran over to her inspecting her frail body. He must have realized that the blood was not hers for he began to hug her.

"Liza, I've been searching for you for so long."

"Damion," she whispered shortly.

"It's okay, I've got you."

" Damion, it's not worth it. I can feel myself slipping with each passing moment. I can feel myself dying. Leave, leave before father finds you. He already knows that you're alive."

She began to weep again, every movement he made hurting her already impaired body.

"Liza don't say that. There's always time."

"Not anymore,"she said, crying as he picked her up. Turning to walk away , Damion stopped when he saw the shadows and started moving.

"Dad, so nice to see that you have your powers still," he said with kick enthusiasm.

"So you really are alive," Robert replied with wonder.

His hands were ablaze, sending light dancing throughout the room. In his eyes flames betrayed the fury he was trying to conceal.

"Why are you holding Liza," he asked.

"Dad, you already know the answer to that. Did you think it would be okay to do that?" he asked pointing to Becca's body.  "And besides, do you even see Liza. She won't last another week like this."

"She's my daughter, I can take care of her."

"She's my sister, I won't let you near her."

Damion pulled Liza closer. She barely weighed anything. He cursed for not ringing her sooner.

"Damion, hand me Liza. We could be a family again. You, me, her, just like it used to be."

"Why would I want that? You killed me. I spent a year in a coma and when I woke up I was this. Now look at Liza. She's dying because of you! And I know for a fact that you couldn't care less about her because she's not a super. As much as I hate to say this, I'm surprised you didn't kill her. You blamed her for her mother leaving. For some reason you blamed her for my death. You killed the Beaumont family after their son saved her from thieves you hired. You refused to let her live her life and beat her when she did. And in the past year, you killed everyone she loves. So I ask again, why should I go with you?"

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