Chapter Fifteen

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-Elsa's POV-

"Thank God it is over already," I mumbled quietly, rubbing my tired eyes and the side of my face afterwards, letting my hair loose and shaking it around. I sat down on my bed, crossing my legs and relaxing against the comfy mattress I was lying on. Sighing, I let my body collapse and the warmth of the bed spread across me, and then turned over as I yanked my covers right up to my chin, snuggling right in as I was exhausted.

That was not as brutal and as bad as I had expected. I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised if we had both grabbed each other and ripped each other to little bloody bits by the end of the whole session. We did fight a lot, and halfway through one of our bickers his mother came in with some snacks and asked us what was all the commotion was about, which was quite embarrassing, but Jack made up some excuse about us just messing about or something. By the way she looked I could tell she knew he was lying and would probably demand an explanation if I were not there, and the whole thing just made me feel all weird because I don't like being in the same room as somebody being told off, especially when I'm partly the reason of why the persons getting told off.

I observed how he acted during that short time period. He was very bizarre when his mother walked in. I don't know if they fight, or if he doesn't like her, or if she is one of those strict parents that don't allow their child to break any rules, and could shout at any moment, but I'd like to find out. But you don't just go up to a person and say "Hey! You look like you hate your mum. Can you tell me why?"

Especially when his name begins with J and ends with ack.

But I really want to know.

But anyway, back to the whole situation at hand. Me and Jack basically scrolled the entire internet and began telling each other different song choices, and it took us around an hour to choose a proper song because we kept fighting over them, but in the end, we went with my choice. He didn't like it but I guess he was tired of arguing, so we both wrote down the lyrics of the song, learnt the parts we decided we were going to sing, and tomorrow we are giving the paper to Hiccup, Merida and Crystal so the three of them can sing their parts. It sounds quite simple but when you actually do it it definitley isn't.

"Elsa!" A voice cried, and a hyper strawberry blonde girl opened the door and partically skipped inside the room, a bright smile on her face, happiness just raidiating off her, being all bubbly and bouncy.. Her eyes flashed and she looked at me eagerly as she snapped out of my thought. She was swinging her arms by her side in a cheery and childish manner. Anna is like a seven year old stuck in the body of a fourteen year old most of the time.

"Anna, I would appreciate it if you left me alone," I said, a hint of anger and impaitence in my voice. "I want to go to sleep. I am exhausted."

"But Elsa," Anna said, prolonging the 'Elsa,' and I felt her hands press against the covers, onto my shoulders as she shook me. It actually made me feel less tired but I felt better under the warmth of my covers. It was almost as if they could shield me from anything bad. "It's not even late. No need to be so harsh."

"You're the one that’s being harsh," I said, suddenly snapping at her as this sudden feeling overcame me. "When I was busy screaming like a banshee you stayed in your room writing in your diary," I gave her a look that plainly meant I was still a little angry about that incident. She seemed to get it but that won't stop Anna from being herself.

"But you sounded like you were having fun..." Anna said, lying on her hand and drumming her fingers against me, looking slightly guilty, but she seemed to act like she didn't really care.. "Come on Elsa, let it go."

I didn't reply, and closed my eyelids tightly, trying to go to sleep. I pulled the covers right up so it covered my face and all I saw was black. My covers are really thick so you cannot see light through them easily.

"Elsa?" Anna said innocently, after a while. "Do you want to build a snowman?"

"Anna," my lips twitched a little as she sang this. We made up a song called 'do you want to build a snowman' when we were little. Anna was responsible for the tune, as she was humming it one day while she was playing with her barbie dolls and I coincidentally was in the room, but I was responsible for the tune. The memories seemed to flash by in my mind. When it was snowing outside, me and Anna would play in the snow and build snowmen and such not, make snow angels - it was so much fun. We named one of our snowmen Olaf. Now I have grown out of that by now and so has Anna, but she is srill a child at heart. Sometimes when I was down Anna would come to my bedroom and sing the song, and it used to cheer me up a lot. "You are singing this song again?"

"Oh yes," Anna said, moving away from me. Gently, I pulled down and watched her. "Join in when you feel like it."

She cleared her throat.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" 

Come on lets go and play.

I never see you anymore,

Come out the door,

It's like you've gone away!

Anna danced infront of me, laughing and playing around. Her hair was flying everywhere and she twirled around on the tip of her toes, acting daft. She looked as if she was enjoying it so much, and then she stopped and folded her arms, staring at me.

"What?" I asked her, though I knew what she wanted.

"Join in!" she said.

"But-" I tried to argue as she stuck out her hand and grabbed me, literally yanking me out of my bed. I stumbled and fell over her, but her grip was tight enough to keep me up.

"Anna, what the-?" I was interrupted as she continued singing, as if nothing had just happened.

"We are best buddies!

And now we are

Having so much fun!

Do you want to build a snowman?"

"It doesn't have to be a snowman..."

Anna laughed, and grasped my arms and began spinning around and around. I squealed and wanted to stop, but we continued spinning and the room was getting blurry and I was as dizzy as heck, but she kept a firm grip me and me on her. I didn't want her to hurt herself . If I just let go and she fell over and bumped her head in suprise that would be terrible so I held on (I was also terrified). However, bad things happen to good people.

My phone rang and as I was so alarmed, my hands just let go of Anna's and we both screamed in unison. We both fell down, though luckily we both weren't badly injured. I just grazed my elbow and Anna grazed her knee, judging by the way she winced and rubbed it.

"That stupid phone," Anna said. "Why do you always keep it in your pocket?" she added on, looking as though it was my fault she fell.

"Because I do," I said. I bit my lip as I moved my arm; it stung quite a bit. I tried ignoring the throbbing pain and pulled out my phone. Then I frowned. I didn't recognize the number. Strange. I wonder who was calling me?

"Hello?" I asked as I answered it. "Who's this?"

"Oh dear, this is Jack's mother," the person at the end of the phone said.

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