Chapter Sixty One

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-Elsa's POV-

We told Flynn. We actually told him. Well, it was actually Jack who gave him all the details and told him about my theory and how we needed to know if Mavis was pregnant or not. He didn't answer because he was so red so I told him to keep it quiet and hopefully, he will.

The rest of the day seemed to pass by so slowly, but I was only aware of a couple of things. We had Mr Pans lesson. We had a History lesson in which you had to partner up, so me and Jack went togethor. He kept asking me stuff but I couldn't be bothered answering- I was more engaged in biting my nails- so in the end he eventually gave up and did the work himself. It was meant to be a team effort, but I didn't feel like helping him. I felt a little mean later on but I didn't really care. I wasn't really in the mood. We had another period I was asleep in half the time- I think it was English, but I'm not sure- and then another period and then it was lunch. Another four l-o-n-g periods and then finally, the bell rang to signal the end of school; it was finally home time.

"Do you want me to take you home, Elsa?" Jack muttered quietly as everybody got up to leave. I was still in a daze as I slung my bag over my shoulder. He seemed a little bit scared becaause of my dreamy behaviour- I was acting like I was R the zombie from warm bodies.

"Yes," I found myself saying as he wrapped an arm around me to keep me steady. I leant on him as he took me out the classroom.  I glanced behind my shoulder to check up on Flynn but he wasn't in his seat- he was already gone probably. That was strange.

"Are you alright?" Jack asked me, his hand moving up and down my arm. It gave me a little shiver but I just shook my head to tell him not to worry, although I was a mile away from alright. I gently shook his arms off me, because I didn't want help.

"I'm fine," I said, rubbing my head, which was aching like hell. I had a very bad headache all of a sudden. "Just feel a little bit down in the dumps," I glanced behind us looking through a crowd of students just to see if I could catch sight of Flynn- but I didn't.

"Right," Jack said, and he slid his hand into mine casually- he didn't seem to care there were like a hundred people around us that would probably laugh and make fun of us for doing that, but suprisingly, nobody did.

He didn't seem as affected as me, but I couldn't blame him, I mean, he hardly knew Mavis at all. It's kind of hard to cry over somebody you hated for so long and hardly knew. But he did feel sorry for her, I could tell. I could see it in his eyes. And he wasn't just sorry for her. He seemed to be sorry for me, too.

We left the school togethor, and despite the fact it was warm and sunny, the wind was blowing very harshly. I clutched myself as we walked togethor in silence, looking left and right just in case Flynn would pop up somewhere. I knew it was stupid but still, there was always hope. Even in the darkest of times, there is always hope left.

Okay, now I sound like some soppy girl whos too emotional and stuff. And I'm not soppy. I'd rather eat my own fingers. Well, I think I'm not soppy, but maybe other people think I am.

Here I am, thinking about if I'm soppy, when Mavis is in hospital probably going to have a child. I feel so sorry for her. And Flynn never answered our question- mainly because he was angry- but I guess I'll never know if my theory is correct or not. And I don't even know which hospital Mavis is in. I guess I'll have to try and call her dad again to see if she is okay.

"I wonder where Flynn ran off to?" I found myself saying. Maybe he went home early to try and call Mavis. Or maybe he went to her house to check up on her. He couldn't possibly just ran to the hospital because its like miles away, and he doesn't even know which hospital she's in.

"Maybe he decided to go home and try to call Mavis to see if she's alright," Jack said casually, scratching his chin. He glanced at my face and sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "You're really worried about her Elsa, aren't you?"

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