Chapter Fifty Five

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-Jack's POV-

I sat on my chair, nervously fiddling with my pencil and occasionally chewing my cracked lips. I racked my fingers through my messy hair and worriedly tapped my foot against the floor, stealing glances at the door.

Where the hell was Elsa? I hadn't seen her since after the audition. She said she needed the bathroom and then I waited for her for what seemed like an hour by our lockers, but she never came. I looked everywhere for her- in the cafeteria, by the vending machine, in all the classroom- I even went to the girls bathroom and peeked inside but it was empty. I asked Merida and Johnny if they had seen her but they said no. I asked Hiccup and that Flynn Rider guy and they had the same answer, though they were murmuring something about where their short haired friend (her name was Mavis, right?) was. I even considered going to Rapunzel and asking her but I saw her with her gang of cheerleaders surrounding her and I bolted back. I couldn't face her after all that happened, you know?

"And the Mughals achieved many things in their time..." droned on Miss Grangers- or should I say now, Mrs Weasley’s- voice. She is our History teacher. She is around twenty five, and she has been working in this school since I joined this school- that’s three years. She used to be Miss Granger when I first joined Disney Works High, but now, she got married so now her name is 'Mrs Weasley.' Though most of us still call her Miss Granger. She has bushy brown hair, brown eyes and rather large front teeth- some of the people in our class have christened her 'Bugs Bunny,' and its sort of a thing in our school. But she is a fairly good teacher. She explains things very well. I've sort of had a fondness for History (don't tell anyone or I'll murder you, kapeesh?) mainly because of all the bloody battles and all.

What if someone kidnapped her???

No, I'm being crazy. This schools security is quite good and no one’s ever been stolen before... and I doubt Elsa would go outside. But then, it is a possibility. What if...?

A familiar girl entered the room all so suddenly, and then Mrs Weasley stopped talking. She turned- and so did every single person in the class (including some of the people who were almost asleep during her lesson).

"Sorry...I'm...late," mumbled Elsa, panting as though she had been running. For some odd reason, her eyes were red and bloodshot, as though she had been crying. Her cheeks were bright red and she looked slightly demented. She seemed to say each word with deepest loathing.

Mrs Weasley studied her closely. "Are you alright, Elsa?"

"I'm fine," she hissed angrily. "Why do you care?"

Mrs Weasley seemed a little taken a back at this response. she frowned. Elsa simply groaned and then walked up to the empty chair in front of me. She sat down, banging her fist hard on the table. Literally everybody was looking at her.

"A-alright," said Mrs Weasley, sort of recovering from that shock. Elsa has never acted like that in front of the teachers. I mean, she used to be cheeky, but she has never been so... what’s the word... snappy, I guess? "Well, where was I? Ah, yes, The Mughals..."

"Elsa," I whispered quietly, as Mrs Weasley continued with History, her eyebrows slightly raised. I didn't think she heard me because she made no sign that showed she heard me, so I moved forwards, quickly looking at Mrs Weasley before I gently tapped her on the shoulder.

"What do you want?" she asked me angrily, turning around. I blinked. It looked as though she had been crying. She must have been crying. Tear tracks on her cheeks were shining brightly. Her cheeks were even redder than before. I frowned.

"Why are you upset?" I asked her, reaching forwards and touching her wet cheek. She slapped my hand away and turned away angrily, not wanting to talk to me and replying with "I'm not upset. Just shut up Jack."

She turned and that made my doubt certain; there was something definitely wrong.

-Elsa's POV-

I couldn't tell him. Well, not right now anyway. When I've cooled off my anger. I bet he's wondering why I'm acting like such a jerk. I had tears dripping down my cheeks all through Mrs Weasley's period. I couldn't help it. I felt as though I was falling apart. Here I am, sitting in class, safe and sound, when Mavis is being taken to hospital without me, probably dead-

Rapunzel came into the class five minutes after me. Everybody was staring weirdly at her like they did at me, but they weren't looking at her as though she was a freak. I'm just sick of all this. I'm sick of worry. I'm sick of my life. I feel like I just want it to end.

Everybody else will find out eventually, though, because there were a number of students out in the hallways when we took Mavis to the headmistresses office. They would probably spread all sort of horrible vicious rumours. 

I was starting to regret how my behaviour was towards Mrs Weasley. She was a great teacher, and I had no idea why I lashed out at her like that. I felt so mean and cruel at the moment. I didn't want to be me.

As Rapunzel went to sit down, she nervously looked at me as though I might just jump up and lash out at her. I felt like that- but I kept it in because she did help me, despite our hatred for one another. That's one thing I don't understand about Rapunzel.

Lying on the ground when I found her in the bathroom. I want to go and hug her and hold her close and never let go. Then she would wake up and we would both cry and hug each other. That’s what happened in my fantasy dream land. But that’s the thing about dreams. They never come true. Go ahead, tell all your children all that soppy 'believe in your dreams,' and 'dreams always come true,' crap. They'll never achieve anything in life, and end up just chasing some impossible crazy dream. Tell them, from the moment they are old enough to talk and walk and understand stuff "Life is full of disappointments. Expect the worst." Because that is true. Life is full of disappointments and drama. Luckily, my life has drama at every turn.

I placed my head in my hands and silently sobbed, hoping nobody was staring at me. Even if they are- I don't care.

-Merida's POV-

It gets kind of weird when you’re just sitting and biting the end of your pencil, taking notes and trying to remember what your teachers saying when you can't seem to concentrate at all. Her voice just goes through one ear and out the other.

Then I "happened" (note the sarcasm) to see Elsa crying in the corner of the room. Well, not really sure if she was crying, she had her head in her arms, but she was giving little jerks of her body that told me that she was crying.

It was quite surprising that no one noticed her; I mean, come on, who really pays attention to Mrs Weasley? No offence to her or anything, I just had a lot on my mind right now so I couldn't be bothered listening properly.

Why was she crying? And why was Rapunzel looking so nervous?

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