Chapter 6

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All of you must be confused about who is Alex? And why'd he has done that?

First of all, Alex is the son of our delta, we used to be good friends along with Toby and Katie, Jackson. Then just one day, he just turned his back on us, like we weren't friends at all. Popularity got the best of him and became an asshole. I never knew why But Toby always says he feels something for me, so it was his only way of me noticing him more but Katie also has another in mind and says he just wants the title and position alpha.

They even argued and betted on it. Yeah, stupid and amateurs, perfect for each other. And as for Nate, didn't know he liked trouble and like playing superhero although he had an angel face and these weird feelings, I need to tell it to mom. Maybe she knows what to do.

After the cafeteria incident or what we call troubles in the cafeteria. Everything's been fine, but I'm really worried about Nate. I know what Alex can do when he wants to. And what's worse is, Alex is way much stronger than Nate, he's just a human with an innocent face, I couldn't even see him killing a fly. Don't forget about his minions.

I sigh and shut my locker after putting all my books back and getting some things.

Schools already over anyway. Katie has her own car and Jack too. It annoys me that I can't drive, I get panicked when I tried to, and it almost killed Toby. Pretty sure Toby's annoyed right now waiting outside, but who cares?

I huff as I start to walk down the hallways, some students already left, and barely one right now. But what got me confused was the voices I heard and decided to eavesdrop.

"What are you planning to do Alex?" I heard a familiar gruff voice. I recognize it as Darryl's. What could they be doing here? Since Jocks don't stay in lobbies.

"That shitty newbie thinks he can get away with it? Oh no! He had the guts to talk back to me and embarrass me in front of the whole school!" Alex growled, I could feel his anger rolling off him faintly. I grew worried as I realized they were talking to Nate. So I decided to listen more.

"Teach him a lesson, the one that'll make him scramble off when he sees you." I heard one said evilly.

"Oh no, I'm going to do much more than that," Alex sneered making lily growl in my head. He's going to beat up Nate! Even worse, he might kill him.

"What should we do?" lily asked, worried.
"We should keep watch on Nate, to make sure he won't get hurt," I suggested.
"Okay... Sounds good," Lily agreed.

"It seems strange that he and lilac had been getting along very well." Darryl stated like it was an odd matter. Are they stalking me!?

"What do you mean?" Alex asked not getting it.

"What he's saying they've been really close, first day, and they had an odd tension in the classroom, I could bet everyone felt it too." A non-familiar voice said. Was it too noticeable? Odd tension? What does he mean?

"Peter's right," Darryl said, confirming Peter, finally found the other culprit's name.

"I don't think so. They don't even act like mates at all. When newbie took hold of her, I never saw any signs," Alex said not believing it. It's not even their problem anyway. I decided to stop and leave. They could smell me by accident. I quietly and hurriedly walked outside, But the worry never leaving my head.

And as expected I saw Toby in the driver's seat, an annoyed look clear on his face. He noticed me walking to him and sighed in relief as he waited for years.

"Where have you been?" he asked worriedly as I opened the passenger seat and got it. My mind was debating whether I should tell him or not. A part said he'd flip out and cause trouble and another said, it's right for him to know, so he can confront Alex. But I know Toby got his problems. And this is my fault I shouldn't drag him into this.

"Just forgot something," I muttered but Toby didn't look believed. Talk about sibling senses, but glad he didn't ask more and drove off.

After 5 minutes

"About Katie," Toby started off making me look at him. And I couldn't ignore the smile that ghost on his lips.

"What about her?" I said my tone telling him to continue.

"I know you know," he said leaving me in a daze. I stared at him expectantly.

"What?" I asked. What is he talking about?

"Cut the innocent act sis." He groans like it was the worst drama ever.

"Not really," I said seriously as he sighed.

"You know I have feelings for her right?" He trailed off. Where is this going to?

"And?" I said in an annoyed tone that he couldn't get to the point.

"Ok, after lunch. I smelt something that was so rosy and sweet and decided to follow it. As minutes passed, it all led to Katie. She's my mate lilac, your best friend, my best friend and my first ever crush." He breathed out like it was the most precious words Ever. My eyes widen as I squealed loudly and a shriek erupts from me as a bounce in my seat making Toby lose focus on driving and the car swayed.

"Woah, Woah chill lady!" Toby cried out having a heart attack.

"Oh my gosh! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! Knew it!!! " I squealed loudly and excitedly as Toby chuckled in amusement.

"What happened next?! Did you two kiss?" I asked wanting to know anxiously staring at Toby.


My smile dropped, as I stare at him like he was crazy. Well, he could have hugged her and not went on possessive mode.


"I didn't tell her and ran away," he said nervously as my eyes widen at his stupidness.

"You idiot!!!! Why didn't you tell her?! 'Why ran away?!" I said angrily affected by his idiots.

"I'm scared ok? What if she rejects me?" he said worriedly, and I was in awe. My brother being soft and scared shitless that he's going to be rejected.

"Toby, don't be scared. She'll never reject. Like she has a crush on you for 16 years from now!" I said trying to convince him. A look of hesitation on his face.

"She does?" he asked surprised and disbelief. I facepalmed, so he doesn't have a clue?

"Does this mean you didn't notice Katie making googly eyes at you! Her way of making you notice her!? The way she reacted when Annie would hit on you?!" This time I was the one to ask disbelief. Is he really that blind?

"I never did, I always thought she liked jack," He said innocently.

"Like she'll like jack." I rolled my eyes. I mean, Jack is good-looking but Katie never was the one who had a type for redheads.

"Good to hear that," Toby said relieved and a wave of happiness in his eyes. I crossed my arms feeling sassy.

"When we get home, go straight to her house and claim her Toby! Claim her! Claim what's yours! Claim her!" I shouted like a barbarian woman.

"I'll claim what is mine! No ones stopping me!" He shouted like a crazy old man. Gross, I laughed internally.

"What are you going to do?!!!" I shouted.

"Claim her!"

"What?!!! I can't hear you!!!"

"Claim her!"

"Repeat it loudly!"

"Claim what's mine!!"


"CLAIM! CLAIM!CLAIM!CLAIM!" We shouted like crazy chipmunks with a dog's growl as we laughed our ass back.


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