Chapter 11

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"That boy!" Peter hissed a look of disappointment and angry clear on his face. While mom was barely holding dad back he looks furious and looked ready to kill.

"How long lilac?! And why didn't you tell me!? Us?!" Dad glowered over me, I felt bad and guilty. I know, I'm weak and pathetic. I was going to answer but a large figure stood in front of me, the scent of the ocean washed my nose. Nate pushed me behind him.

"Step out of the way boy," Dad said sternly, as Nate didn't move. His figure protecting me in a way that felt nice.

"No, Mr. Matthews. I know I have no right to push myself in your problems, but I think it's best if you'd calm down. A little. Kitty is not fine. She's been through a lot and I don't want to see her hurt and tired. It's devastating, not to see her beautiful smile," Nate reasoned, which made me blush at the word beautiful. I bit my lip as I listened carefully, no one made a sound. I grew nervous about what was going to come out of dad. Poop lolly cut in like this was funny.

"What are you to her?" I was surprised that dad didn't lash out, instead, he has calmed down which never happens because he never lets anyone talk back to him.

"I'm her knight in shining armor with a dent sword but is willing to risk my life for the queen who deserves more than jewelry and fancy diamonds but love, love that out stands anything. Her fear, her insecurities and everyone's downpour on her," I gaped at Nate's dramatic and breathtaking explanation. I felt my stomach filling with butterflies as lily wagged her tail in my head. I peeked and saw all of them gaping at a proud nation with a huge smile. It was hilarious.

Toby was the first to break the silence, it was becoming very awkward.

"Now, where did that come from?"

"Dunno just popped in my head and decided to share it with you guys. Fancy isn't it?" I could imagine him smirking
This boy! I rolled my eyes as I pinched his arm lightly.

"Seriously Nate?" I glare at him as he winked at me. He wrapped an arm around me pulling me flush against his side.

"I'm serious though," he said. Dad eyed as curiously. Like there was something to worry about as mom looked happy? I glanced at a smirking Toby. What a weird world this is.

"Answer my question Nate," Dad said, this time smiling at Nate. My jaw dropped. How!? How could Nate get Dad's good side!? Rarely anyone does! Toby looked almost as surprised as me.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'm Nathan Dean, but everyone calls me Nate. I'm her classmate slash best friend," Nate grinned at dad, feeling proud, and squashed me on his side.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter but how long has this been going?" Dad frowned at me, I pursed my lips. And sigh. I don't have any choice at all.

"2 years," I mumble. Dad looks astound at my response as peter looked furious as hell. Mom had a hurt look. Nate kissed my head, soothing me. Lily purred at the gesture.

"Why?" Dad asks, sadness laced in his voice. It wounded me deep that I was to a coward.

"I don't know why dad, he just does it. I was too afraid that if you knew -" I stopped in my words. Nate is here thus, he's not part of the werewolf life. He mustn't have a clue.

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have -" I cut off dad with a smile saying I know Dad, I know. I got out of Nate's hold instantly feeling cold and into the warmth of my father's. He rested his head on top of my head as mom kissed my cheek brushing my hair.

"I know Dad," I whispered pulling away. His smile was now plastered on his face. A new warmth spread throughout me.

"EWWW!" I turned around to see Nate fake gagging and I gave him a 'what the hell! Look. He smirked and winked at me, pretending to be bad and crossing his arms.

"Oh, Nathan," I giggle, cute.
He put on a disgusted face, his face scrunching. I heard mom snicker unladylike.

"Don't call me Nathan." He said fake glaring at me. I felt a rumble in Dad's chest. Awweeee, Nate doesn't like his name.

"Why not?" I pouted as he crinkled his nose. Toby patted his back in amusement.

"I feel like an angel when you call me Nathan." He put on a fake almost fainting look, that saying Nathan could kill him. I and Toby meet eyes, then. Erupted into loud laughter. I felt like my stomach's going to explode from laughing.

"What's funny?" He asked irritated as I and Toby died down in laughter, some gave is amused look, some smiling. I fake to wipe a tear, chuckling. Toby rolling down the floor as Nate glared at him then at me.

"You think you're a badass, dude?" Toby chokes out clutching his stomach. Dad chuckled so much to my surprised brain.

"Nate, whatever you do always gets a comment like cute and adorable," I giggled loud, as I pinched his red cheeks. His blue eyes staring at mine In a saying 'you're dead 'look. He crossed his arms swatting my hand.

"Like I said Little kitty, a man is not cute," he phrased. His eyes boring into mine making me smile. Dad snickered in the background.

"I agree," Dad said, raising a brow and standing straighter as mom kissed him on the cheek.


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