Prompt #2

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                Prompt: Can you do a prompt where it's after headmaster gave Caroline and Leon charge of the Academy and they're talking to Adam? Maybe he gets all in Leon's face and Brennan steps up to defend him?

                A.N.- Putting this prompt in this prompt book because, well, it overlaps a bit. Also, this was a tumblr prompt. If you guys want to send in prompts anonymously, I've gotten a few on my tumblr (which is also just skenekidz) so feel free to send them in there too!


                I stood in dad's office with Caroline and Brennan. Dad was downstairs speaking with some of the faculty about the changes for next year.

                "I still can't believe you're taking over," Brennan said, shaking his head. "And you'll only be 22. That's younger than when Adam started here."

                "It's younger than when our dad started here, too," Caroline said. "But Leon can handle it. It'll be the two of us, so it won't be as much pressure."

                The door to the room opened and my heart dropped as Adam came in. His composure was back, but I could see the anger in his eyes.

                "I suppose congratulations are in order," he said. "So, congratulations on snatching the Academy away from the only one of the family fit to inherit it."

                "Congratulations on your new treasurer position," Caroline said. "I'm sure you must be thrilled."

                "None of us wanted this outcome, Adam," I said.

                "And yet here you are, happily accepting the position of headmaster," Adam said.

                "Dad told us we were taking over. He's not someone you just say no to," Caroline said. "You couldn't handle things. There was a riot because of your incompetence. I am sorry Adam, I really am. But don't take it out on us when you're at fault."

                "You think you can do any better?" Adam demanded. "Dad was too soft on you. And Leon? Dad positively coddled Leon to the point of uselessness."

                I put my hand on Brennan's arm as he stepped forward, shooting him a patiently exasperated look. I'd already warned him that Adam was going to be pissed and that I didn't want Brennan picking a fight with my brother.

                "Dad will teach me how to run it," I said. "And I'll have Caroline."

                "Dad's been teaching me how to run the Academy since I was born," Adam said. "While you were singing Disney songs and cuddling your stuffed animals, I was learning how to run Constance Academy."

                "You're jealous of Leon," Caroline said impatiently. "Leon got the easy route. That's not his fault. Whatever it was dad saw in him that made him want to coddle Leon, that's not Leon's fault. You screwed up, Adam. Snapping at Leon won't change anything. Take up your issues with dad."

                "Oh, I will," Adam said coldly. "I have some choice words for our father."

                I tried to shake the exhaustion from my head. I'd hardly slept last night, trying to talk to dad and Caroline about the future of the Academy while also meeting with Beckett and his friends to tell them the news. Then, of course, I'd stayed up to have a conversation with Brennan about it. If he was going to be part of my future, he needed to know how much time I'd have to dedicate to the Academy. If we ever...if we ever had a family, my father would expect me to raise heirs to take over.

                Oh, god, that would be awful. If my siblings and I all ended up with kids, Adam would no doubt fight for his take control. It would just start another fight between us. This Academy was supposed to be our family legacy, but all it was doing right now was fracturing us.

                "Adam, we weren't trying to sabotage you. Dad made a decision," I said. "We're just doing as he asked."

                "Why? You could've said no. You don't even want this, you spiteful little brat. You'll just give Maroons control of the Academy. You'll run this Academy into the ground the same way you tried to when you were a student here. Dad spoiled you and now you'll ruin his life's work," Adam said angrily, stepping up to me.

                Brennan shoved Adam back. "Don't get in his face. Yea, your dad plays favorites, anyone could tell you that. And guess what, buddy? You're not the favorite. Boohoo, get over it. It's not Leon's fault. Caroline doesn't spite him for the things he has no control over, so at least someone in your family isn't an asshole. Leon will do an amazing job here. He'll make peace between the Blues and the Maroons, and he'll genuinely try to help the Maroons. The Maroons are here for help, not for abuse. He and Caroline will balance each other out and make this Academy an amazing school. You fucked up. Quit blaming Leon for your mistakes, and help your brother if you're that worried about his ability to lead here."

                "Brennan," I said with a sigh.

                "You know I'm not good at keeping my mouth shut," Brennan grumbled, stepping back next to me.

                "You're going to be the death of me," I said, my voice as tired as I felt. "But Brennan is right, Adam. I want peace between the Blues and Maroons. I want to help the Maroons. Those are just students, kids that I'm barely older than. Brennan is about to graduate college and start work with a youth organization. If we had gone by dad's methods, Brennan would've been arrested, had a permanent record on him that would've prevented him from getting into his current college, and wouldn't be able to work for the organization he's going to."

                "Save your breath, Leon. He won't listen to you," Caroline said. She stepped forward, placing her hand on Adam's arm. "You're my big brother and I love you, Adam. But you let the power go to your head. You were so determined to impress dad that you caused your own downfall. I know how much being headmaster meant to you. But you were reckless."

                He shrugged her off. "When you two drive this Academy into the ground, dad will put me back in charge. I was raised to be patient, and that's what I'll be until Constance Academy is back under my control."

                He turned and left the room. Brennan took my hand, squeezing it.

                "You'll be great for the Academy," he said.

                "What does that matter if my own brother never forgives me?" I said.

                "It'll take time," Caroline said. "But his anger will shift to dad. He'll forgive us someday, Leon. But you know how stubborn Adam is."

                "Sorry I almost punched your brother in his dumb fucking face," Brennan said. "We don't get along very well."

                "No," I said in surprise. "You don't? I hadn't even noticed."

                "I should probably head out before your dad comes back. Then I'll really get myself into trouble," he said. He kissed me, hugging me. "Don't doubt yourself, Leon. I'll talk to you tonight, okay? You're going to save this damned place."

                I leaned against dad's desk as Brennan left the room. Caroline gave me a halfhearted shrug and leaned against the wall to wait. It would take time for us to fix our relationship with Adam. But if we could fix the Academy, surely we could fix our relationship with our older brother. Preferably before Brennan punched Adam in the face.

                I mentally sighed. It was going to be a rough few years.

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