Prompt #11

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                Prompt: A prompt where Beckett finds himself a girlfriend and the reaction of the gangs!!!

                A.N.- I wasn't sure exactly how to do this because I get overwhelmed when there are too many characters at once, so I split it into Beckett introducing her to both groups and just switched POVs!


                                                                                ***Brennan's POV***

                "Where the hell is Beckett?" Fagan said, checking the time.

                "Maybe he's with his girlfriend," Tessa said. "He runs late whenever he's with her."

                "I still can't believe someone is actually dating him. That poor girl must have bruises everywhere from the yo-yo," I said, shaking my head.

                "Beckett is definitely into kinky yo-yo sex," Fagan said.

                "Never say that again and I won't kill you in your sleep," I said.

                "What's it such a big deal that Beckett has a girlfriend?" Leon said.

                "Because it's Beckett," I said. "You know, angry, yo-yo slinging Beckett?"

                It was Tessa who figured out Beckett had a girlfriend he hadn't told us about. When he started to run late and hang out with us less, Tessa noticed. She remembered every excuse he gave, and figured out when they started not to match up. She noticed he was on his phone a lot more, and picked up on his change in mood.

                It took her only a week or so to put together that Beckett was seeing someone. When she told us, I don't know who was in a bigger state of shock.

                "I think I might know where Beckett is," Tessa said. "I saw him leave campus in his car, but when I walked back to the dorm earlier, I saw his car parked here again."

                "He could be anywhere on campus," Leon said. "Maybe he's not even with his girlfriend. Maybe he's just helping his dad."

                "Beckett helping his shitbag dad?" Fagan raised an eyebrow. "Get your head out of your ass, Prince. You might worship your prick of a dad, but Beck doesn't worship his. He's totally with that girl."

                Tessa had also figured out that the girl wasn't from the Academy. We weren't sure how she and Beckett knew each other. But Tessa paid attention to how often Beckett was on campus, and figured out that whenever he made an excuse, he left the campus.

                "The campus theater was playing a free movie tonight," Tessa said. "Beckett asked his dad about it two weeks ago."

                "Your memory scares the shit out of me," I said, getting up and pulling Leon with me. "Time to go be nosy. I need to see what poor soul got stuck with Beckett Townsend."

                "The movie should be getting out around now," Tessa said. "If we hurry, we might find them by the theater."

                We all left the room and started across campus to where the theater was. It was usually used for class showings and presentations, but sometimes the Constance family could have a little heart and show good movies for free. The theater was in the basement of one of the campus buildings that also had a café and a few rooms for presentations and clubs to meet.

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