Prompt #7

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                Prompt: So we know that Leon had a lot of his father's love growing up and that even Caroline had some freedom but has Constance ever treated Adam with that same leniency or has he always been overbearingly strict towards him?


                Adam stared out of the window, watching as his father chased his brother around the yard. Leon let out a delighted squeal as Constance caught him and lifted him up.

                Leon wrapped his arms around his father's neck, nuzzling against his chest. Constance smiled a little and said something to Leon, carrying him towards the house.

                Adam watched until they disappeared before going back to his desk and sitting down. When he was Leon's age, his father had told him he had to focus on his studies.

                He could smell cookies from downstairs and knew his sister was baking with his mother. Caroline should be studying, but instead his parents were letting her bake in the kitchen, probably with the TV on.

                Adam felt his leg starting to shake restlessly. His friends had gone to the movies today, but Adam wasn't allowed to go. His dad said the movie was too inappropriate for Adam, and his mom had agreed.

                There was a knock on his door and he looked up as his mom came in. She gave him a little smile and set down a napkin with a few cookies on it.

                "Caroline baked them by herself. I just watched to make sure she didn't burn herself," Abby said. "They're very good." She went over and pushed his window open. "It's so stuffy in here, Adam. Why don't you go study outside?"

                And watch his dad coddle Leon all day? "No thank you, mom. I like studying in my room."

                Abby sighed. "If you insist. Those are all the cookies you're getting for today. Too many cookies are bad for you."

                Adam highly doubted his mom would stop either of his siblings from sneaking a few more, but he didn't bother saying anything. He waited until she left his room before getting back to work. His dad had him practicing research and presentations.

                It was nearly a half hour before there was another knock on his door. Constance entered the room, looking at Adam's neatly organized desk.

                "Your mother took Leon and Caroline out to the store with her," he said. "How is your work going?"

                "Fine, dad," Adam said. He was angry, and he knew he should control it, but he was only 13 and he hadn't quite mastered his composure yet. So his next statement slipped out. "I'm working fast. I could've gone to the movies and finished this today."

                "It was an inappropriate movie," Constance said. "You're too young for a film like that."

                "I'm 13," Adam said. "And I'm mature for my age."

                "Life isn't fair, Adam. We don't always get to do what we want," Constance said.

                "I know that. But I could've handled both a movie and my work," Adam said.

                Constance sat on Adam's bed. "When you were two years old, I wanted to go to your Aunt's house for a gathering she was having. Friends I hadn't seen in years were going to be there. But you were sick and your mother had a friend in town, so I offered to stay home and care for you. Sometimes you have to be responsible and give up what you want for what's more important."

                Adam just dropped his gaze back to his work. He knew better than to complain. He was too old to be complaining.

                "When I was your age, my dad didn't let me play outside. Sometimes if he caught me looking out of the window too much, he'd send me to the basement to study so I wouldn't get distracted," Constance said. "You have more focus than I did at your age."

                "Leon and Caroline don't," Adam said.

                "Leon is six years old, Adam," Constance said, and Adam bit back his frustration. Of course his dad defended Leon. When Adam was six, he got in trouble if he squirmed the way Leon did when he worked. Leon always fidgeted when he talked to adults, and Adam could only imagine the lectures he would've gotten if he did that.

                "I'll get back to work," Adam said.

                Constance stood up. "You said you have time?"

                "Did you need help with something?" Adam said.

                "Come with me," Constance said.

                Adam got up and obediently followed his father out of the room. They went out to the garage together and Constance searched around a bit before coming back over and handing Adam a baseball glove.

                "Catch?" Adam said in surprise. He always saw Constance playing catch with Caroline and Leon.

                "Fresh air is a good. You have to learn to split your time in a way that gets your work done without burning you out. Exercise is a good way to destress and keep yourself healthy," Constance said, leading Adam around to the front yard.

                Adam forced his composure so he didn't give away his excitement. Being the oldest meant he didn't get to play the way his siblings did. He liked spending time with his dad, but he rarely found an excuse to do it.

                They began to play, Constance instructing Adam how to throw the ball better. Adam found himself unable to hide his smiles even when he had to chase a ball he'd missed.

                "You're pretty natural at this. We should've put you on the baseball team," Constance said as he caught another one of Adam's throws.

                Adam grinned proudly and flexed his arm. He caught another ball and wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

                They played even as the sun started to go down. Adam knew he should go inside and finish his work, but he was having fun and getting away with teasing his dad a bit.

                "You're starting to slow down," Adam taunted as he dad nearly missed a throw.

                "I'm getting old. It's hard to keep up with teenagers sometimes," Constance said, but he was smiling, just a little. "I forget that you're a quick learner, sometimes. You're too good at this."

                Adam caught the ball and felt his heart sink as his mom's car pulled into the driveway. She got out and Caroline helped Leon out of the car.

                "Dad! We got you your favorite chocolate!" Leon said, running over to Constance to give him a hug.

                Adam pulled his glove off. He didn't have to be told that the fun was over.

                Constance lifted Leon into his arms. "Adam, you better go in and finish up your work. Caroline, go get started on yours."

                "Yes, sir," Adam said, going into the garage and setting his glove down. He went into the house, heading up to his bedroom.

                He sat at his desk, staring at his work. His arm was sore from playing, but he didn't want to stop.

                Still, Adam picked up his pencil. Whatever it was that his dad saw in Leon, Adam didn't have it. He'd use the Academy to win his dad over and prove that he was the better son.

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