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Under the flickering light bulb, a man sat in his small apartment room and watched the TV as he wiped his rifle and knife clean. He smirked as the news reporter reported an urgent news.

"Lee Si Hyuk, the CEO of the SH company has been announced dead at Daegu's local hospital. According to his secretary Ms. Yuan, he was shot by an unknown person with three bullets. Two shot through his shoulders and one shot through his head. The police are still investigating the scene. Stay tuned about the re—"

The man turned the TV off and placed his gun next to the TV remote. He opened a bottle of beer and walked out to the balcony. He took a sip of it and sighed, "Life is good."

He took another sip of beer and sat down in his lazy chair as his phone rang.

He narrowed his eye and crunched his nose with annoyance. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and thought, Who would call me at this time?

He glanced at his phone and rolled his eyes as he thought, Of course, it has to be my information gatherer.

He tapped the green button and placed his phone next to his ears as he opened his mouth and said lazily, "Yeobosaeyo?"

"Good job, Yoongi. You performed a splendid job with that kill there." He praised him as Yoongi curled his lips into a prideful grin.

"Of course, I'm not given the title 'Dangerous ACE' for no reason you know." He said as he took another sip of his beer and looked up at the stars in the sky above him.

The other side of the phone chuckled and said, "The requester already billed you the money to your bank account. You can go on a trip to Los Angeles if you want."

Yoongi stood up and walked back into his apartment; he sat down on the couch and kicked his feet up and settled them on the table in front of him. He tsked and asked impatiently, "Just say it, who is my next target?"

The other side broke down into laughter as he said, "Wow, I really can't hide anything from you can I?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and sipped the last bits of his beer and said, "What do you think? You always say that when you give me information about my next target. Who is it?"

The info gatherer sighed and replied, "It's a girl, but I'm not so sure that you can handle it."

Yoongi crushed the beer bottle and threw it on the floor as he asked, "Are you saying that I can't do the job?"

"No, you can. But I'm just not sure since you always wanted a break from killing didn't you?"

Yoongi laid down on the couch and crossed his legs. He stared up at the ceiling thought, "Fine, just wait for me at the Daegu International Airport, I'll leave right away."

"Alright, I'll email her information to you then. Hold on."

Soon, a small mail icon appeared on his laptop.

Yoongi opened the file and scanned it. There was a picture of an Asian girl on the left top corner of his computer screen. The girl has large dark brown eyes with long eyelashes. Short hair that wraps around her face and a happy smiley face.

Looking at the cute picture, Yoongi thought, Why do I have to kill her? She looks too adorable to be harmful. Why does the person who requested this have to be this cruel? Well, why should I care?

"Name: Kathy Tuan

Gender: Female

Address: 17450, Guardian Road, LA, CA

Job: A travel agent that works for the Golden Travel Agency."

He rubbed his chin and said, "Alright, I'll take the job. But I need a job in the Golden Travel Agency as well."

"Great, I'll book you a ride to LA right now and I'll rent you a room in the apartment and hotel mix that your target lives in. And I'll get you a position close to her so you can observe her and plan for your actions."

"Okay, bye."

Yoongi hangs up on his information gatherer and sat back up. He scratched his head and walked to his room and grabbed a suitcase out of the closet. He dumped a few pair of clothing and shoes in there and disassembled his gun and wrapped them in the clothing.

After packing, he walked out of his apartment and locked the doors. He walked downstairs and grabbed a cab.

The cab driver asked, "Where are you going, handsome man?"

Yoongi gave him money and said, "Daegu International Airport."

The driver accepted the money and drove off.


Soon, Yoongi arrived at the airport.
A man is already waiting for him by the door.

He patted him on the back and said, "Glad to see you here ACE."

Yoongi slapped his hand off and said, "Lead me to the plane and I'll leave."

The man nodded and his sidekicks guided Yoongi to his ride and watched him leave.

Yoongi sat down in his seat and leaned his head against the seat. He stared at the top of the plane and thought sarcastically, This is going to be fun.


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