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Warm water ran down Yoongi's body. He wiped the water dripping down from his face away as he washed his hair. Then he rinsed the bubbles from his hair off and began washing his body.

I should tell Kathy everything tomorrow morning, but I need to ask my info gatherer about the quest.

Yoongi nodded at his decisions and walked out of the shower room. He changed into his pajamas and took his phone out.

He dialed the number that he emailed him before and waited for the other side to pick up.

"Ace, what's up?"

"Supreme boi, my target requested me to go kill the requester, but I don't know who the requester is..."

"Hold on... let me check again... ACE, I found the info on the requester. His name is Mark Tuan, he lives in Seattle. It's at least two hours plane ride away from your current location."

"Mark Tuan, is he related to Kathy?"

Supreme boi sighed and said, "Yeah... He is her father... Do you want me to email his address to you?"

"...Yes please..." Yoongi slid his arm down to his side and hung up the call.

The words hit Yoongi like a bullet. It tore his heart apart when he realized that it was her father who requested him to do this job. He wanted to scream. He wanted to tell Kathy to run. He wanted to kill Mark Tuan...

He sat down next to Kathy as she slept. He trembled as he lay down beside her. She scooted close to him as she mumbled, "Yoongi..."

Yoongi's heart ached at the thought of what she had told him earlier. How her father treated her like a piece of worthless trash and how her mother had to send her away just to protect her and how she hasn't heard anything about her mother ever since then.

That son of a bitch! Why does he have to do this to her? She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. I'm going to kill that mother fucker the moment I find him!

Yoongi thought as he turned and spooned Kathy into his arms. He landed a kiss on her head as he thought.

Don't worry Kathy, I'll take revenge for you... I'll leave once I know where he is...




"Yoongi... Yoongi... THERE IS A MOTHER FUCKING ZOMBIE OVER THERE SHOOT HIM DOWN!!!!" Kathy shouted as she sat up, she panted heavily as Yoongi walked towards her with some water and porridge in his hands.

"Nightmare?" Yoongi asked as he sat down beside her and ruffled her hair.

Kathy nodded and hid her head in his chest. "I thought I was going to die...."

Yoongi chuckled and said, "As long as I'm here with you. You will be alright."

Kathy squirmed out of his strong and supportive arms and leaned her back against the bed. She took the food from Yoongi's hands and said, "Thank you, bae~~ for preparing breakfast for me."

Yoongi scratched his head and said, "It is lunch and you're welcome hon~~"

Kathy began eating as Yoongi opened his mouth.

"...Um... Kathy... I have something to tell you..."

Kathy continued to eat her food and nodded.

"Um...I'm an assassin and you are my target... But don't worry... I won't harm you..."

Kathy's eyes widened as she choked on her food. She pounded her chest heavily and pointed at the water. Yoongi opened the bottle cap and passed it to her.

She gulped down the small bottle of water in five seconds and yelled.


Yoongi sighed and continued to say.

"I'm supposed to kill you because someone sent me a request saying that he wants you dead. But I don't want you dead and if I don't kill you, he'll send more people after you and he'll try to kill me as well. That's usually how the world of assassin works. I want to protect you Kathy, but I have to go kill the man first."

Kathy sighed and asked, "Who is the man that wants me dead?"

Yoongi held her hands and patted the back of it. He sighed as he raised his head and looked into her calming eyes.

"...It is your father... Mark Tuan..."

Kathy looked down at her lap and then raised her head up to meet Yoongi's eyes.

"As a requester, I'm here to ask you to kill my father for me? I know that I have to pay you for this, but I don't have enough money to pay you..." Kathy asked as she held his hands. She petted it as she looked up at him pleadingly.

Yoongi shook his head and said, "I will accept your request for free because I love you. You don't have to pay me anything and I'll be happy if you can stay with me by my side forever."

She nodded her head and said, "I'll stay by your side, but..." She paused and placed the bowl on the table and scooted closer to Yoongi.

She pushed him against the bed and leaned down. Her cleavage became visible as she stared into Yoongi's eyes.

"But what?" Yoongi asked as he stared at her curves and placed his hands on her waist. He curled his lips and moved his hands under her shirt.

Kathy smiled shyly and said, "But, as a girlfriend, I'm here to ask you to make me yours."

A sexy smirk showed up on Yoongi's face as he said, "Wish granted."


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