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~ An Airplane Ride Later~

Yoongi dragged his suitcase off of the plane and walked to the pickup place. He glanced around at the crowd and searched for his friend that was supposed to pick him up. Just then he saw a girl standing on her tippy toes as she searched for someone.

She looks familiar, is she someone I know? Yoongi thought as he moved closer to her as he looked at her in shock as he thought, She is Kathy Tuan... is this a coincidence?

As he walked towards the crowd, Kathy said, "Excuse me. Coming through. Excuse me."

"Back off." Someone said as he pushed her away and she lost her balance.

"Watch out!" Yoongi shouted as he fast-walked behind her.

She screamed as she fell backward. Yoongi reached his arm out and caught her. She looked up at him and stared at him.

A few seconds later her face became boiling hot and she backed away from him and apologized, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Mister..."

Yoongi shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

"But still... I'm sorry..." She said as she scratched her hair.

"Who are you waiting for?" Yoongi asked her as she glanced at the crowd coming out.

"Some CEO of a company from Busan that is looking for a travel plan for his family." She replied as she paced around. Suddenly she yelled, "Oh, Mr.Park!! Over here!!!" and waved at the man walking towards them.

"Thank you for preventing me from falling," Kathy said as she bowed to Yoongi and ran towards Mr.Park.

Yoongi dragged his suitcase and walked towards the exit as two men in black waved at him. "Yo, ACE, we are here!"

Yoongi nodded as he walked over to them. They took his suitcase and placed in the back of the trunk and opened the car door for him. "To the hotel at the Guardians Road?"

Yoongi looked out of the window and stared at Kathy Tuan and said, " Yep."

The driver nodded and began driving.

Yoongi placed his chin on his palms and thought, Well, she looks nice. She seems to be a bit clumsy though.

Yoongi's lips curled into a small grin as he glanced at her with the corner of his eyes. He mumbled, "She's so adorable."

The driver looked up and asked, "What was that ACE?"

Yoongi shook his head and said nothing.


"ACE, you have arrived at your destination." The driver said as Yoongi glanced out of the windows.

"Thank you," Yoongi said as he took out his wallet and paid to the driver.

"What's this for ACE? We are friends aren't we?" The driver said as he pushed the money back to Yoongi.

"I know you are hungry and this car needs some gas. Go get yourself something. We are friends after all."

The driver accepted the money and said, "Thanks, man. Ayo, if I see a good gold chain I'll buy you one."

Yoongi opened the car door and said, "Well, I want the expensive ones. The three dollar ones."

The driver laughed as Yoongi walked out of the car and opened the trunk and then carried his suitcases out.

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