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Yoongi parked his car under a bridge and walked out of the car.

He opened the door for Kathy and covered her eyes as he whispered, "Keep your eyes closed."

Kathy nodded and smiled as she let Yoongi remover his hands from her eyes and held her hand.

Soon, she heard loud music blaring and people cheering.

"Yoongi, where are we?" Kathy asked loudly as she opened her eyes and glanced around the place.

Kathy gasped and squealed, "You brought me to Dave and Busters?!?! Oh, I love you so much!!!"

Kathy stood on her tippy toes and gave Yoongi a tight hug.

"Can't... breathe..." Yoongi patted her back as he tried to take a breath in.

"Oh, oops. Sorry." Kathy said as she released him from her hug.

"No, it's okay," Yoongi said as he ruffled her hair and dragged her into the arcade and gave her a card. "Go play as many games as you like. It's half off today."

"Really?" Kathy asked as she held onto the card.

Yoongi nodded his head and said, "Yes, really."

Kathy jumped in mid-air and shouted, "Oh yes!!!"

Yoongi smiled as he stared at her quietly.

Kathy looked back and dragged him forward.

"Come on, let's go play."


Kathy sat in front of the monopoly game machine as she stared at the screen in front of her seriously.

I must get that perfect spin to the wheel so I can land on Broadway. Then I can get $10,000 credit from the game.

She spun the wheel carefully and stared at the screen.

"10! Perfect roll!" Kathy shouted as she watched the little race car moved on the screen and landed on Broadway.

"Yoongi! I landed on Broadway! 10,000 credits!!"

Yoongi glanced up from the "Wheel- Of- Fortune" machine and smiled at her.


Kathy giggled and continued to play. About a few minutes later, she landed on Broadway again, and that's another $10,000 credit for her.

"Yoongi, look! I got it again. And the subtotal is now $26,870."

The monopoly guy game up on the screen and showed that the game was over and Kathy won 432 tickets.

Kathy's eyes widened at the number of tickets she won and turned to Yoongi excitingly. She pointed at the number of tickets she had won and exclaimed, "Look!!! 432 tickets!!"

Yoongi smiled happily and patted her back.

"Seems like someone is lucky today."

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