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"Ahh... So tiring..." Kathy groaned as she pounded on her sore shoulders and rotated her neck lightly.

She has been really busy with explaining the vacation plan to Mr.Park with her colleague, Jackson Wang.

"Welcome back Kathy, how's your day going?" The front desk lady asked as Kathy entered the main lobby.

"MoMo~~~ I'm so tired~~~" Kathy whined as she walked over to the front desk lady. She leaned over the front desk and rested her chin on the desk.

MoMo is busy as well, but Kathy didn't know what she's doing.

"MoMo, what are you doing?"

MoMo glanced up at Kathy and sighed, "I'm working, can't you see that."

Kathy rolled her eyes and mumbled, "That's a really general answer you know that right?"

MoMo shrugged and patted her on the back. She massaged it softly and said, "Go upstairs and rest if you are really that tired."

Kathy nodded and rotated her arms. "Good idea."

She dragged herself to the elevator and pushed the button. She tapped her feet and waited for the elevator to come down as she thought.

Who was that Mister that helped me earlier today at the airport? I didn't even get a chance to ask him for his name.


The elevator opened and Kathy walked inside of it. She pushed the 3rd-floor button and waited for the door to close.


The door opened and Kathy walked out of the door. She walked towards her own apartment complex as she kept her glance on the floor because she was too lazy to look up.

"Wah!!!" Kathy screamed as she tripped over the giant packing boxes by her room 304.

"What the---" Kathy mumbled as she rubbed her butt lightly and glanced up at the boxes.

She looked at the labels on them and read them out loud.

"Clothes, Tools, and Beer."

She glanced up at the neighboring door and gasped in late realization.

"I have a new neighbor?!?"

She stood up and patted her butt. She straightened her hair and shirt to make herself look a tad bit more appealing and knocked on the door.


Inside the room 303, Yoongi woke up reluctantly to the loud banging noises coming from the outside and he struggled his way to the door.

He opened the door and stared at the shorter girl with cold glares. "What do you want?" She stared at him and blushed. It was then he realized that he wasn't wearing anything but an underwear.

"Umm... I just wanted to say hi to you. I'm your neighbor, Kathy, I'm right next door in room 304. Our rooms are connected if you wanted to know about that." Kathy said as she continued to stare at the tall man in front of her eyes. He looks so familiar? He is the man who helped me earlier at the airport. Is this a coincidence?

"Well, that's good to know. (I already knew that) My name is Yoongi and nice to meet you. Now if you can excuse me. I need to go back to my nap. So goodbye." Yoongi slammed the door and ruffled his hair and yawned as he walked his way to the bedroom.

Kathy stood outside of his room. Stunned.

"Wow, that was nice." She mumbled as she walked to her door and fumbled through her purse. She didn't feel her keys in her bag.

"Fuck my life." She mumbles as she paced back and forth between the room 303 and her room.

"Should I go ask him if I can go to my room to his room? Or should I go downstairs and waste 10 bucks just to get my door opened? Uhhh...."

"I'll go down and pay 10 bucks for a new key," Kathy said as she fumbled through her purse to look for her wallet. But she didn't feel its existence.

"Oh, come on. You've gotta be kidding me."

She sighed and stood outside of the room 303 and mumbled to herself.

"I'll just ask him if I can go to my room to his room." Kathy raised her hand and knocked. "I'm sorry, but can you open your door please?"

Yoongi grunted and tossed a plain white Tee shirt over his bare chest and walked to the door then opened a creak and asked, "What now?"

Kathy looked at the ground and sighed. She gathered her courage and looked up at him. "I forgot my room keys and I forgot my wallet at home. Please let me in and I'll go to my room through the door that connects our room."

Kathy looked at the ground and closed her eyes.

Yoongi sighed and opened the door wide.

"Go ahead. But lock the door once you get into your room okay?"

Kathy nodded obediently and walked over to the door that connects the two rooms as she asked, "Can I borrow your key? I need your key to unlock this door."

Yoongi grabbed his keys out of his pockets and tossed it to her. "Catch."

Kathy bent down and caught the keys. She turned around and unlocked the door. She turned around and tossed the keys back to Yoongi and bowed.

"Thank you so much."

Yoongi waved her off and closed the door behind her.

Kathy placed her purse down on her dining table and began searching for her wallet and her keys.

She searched her apartment and couldn't find her keys.

"Could it be in my pocket?" She mumbled as she reached into her jacket's pocket and sighed, "The key is here. Oh, come on, Kathy..."

Just then her phone buzzed, she took it out of her purse and looked at it. Then she received a text message from Jackson saying that she forgot her wallet on her desk and he kept it in his drawer and told her that she can pick it up tomorrow.

She texted him back with 👌 and tossed her phone to the other side of her bed.

Kathy gave herself a facepalm and sighed, "Oh man, why are you so clumsy today? Whatever, go shower and sleep."

She grabbed her Pajama and walked to the bathroom as Yoongi, next door sighed. "Why is she so clumsy? Why did the requester even request for this?"

He shook his head and turned his night post light off and laid back down on his bed.

"Whatever, why should I care."

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