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"Ow..." Kathy groaned as she opened her eyes and glanced around the room.


She asked as she climbed out of her bed and blushed after seeing herself.

Her body was covered with hickeys and bite marks. The memories of what happened earlier today came back to her like a truck.

She went back to her room through the door connecting the two rooms and took a shower.

Where did he go?

Kathy thought as she wrapped herself in a towel and walked to her wardrobe and grabbed a large oversized sweater and walked back to Yoongi's room.

Kathy sat down on a chair and noticed a small paper note on the table in front of her besides a pistol, a pepper spray, a pocket knife, a ton of bullets, a dark colored mask and some clothes that only the ninja would wear.

She picked the note and read it.

"Kathy, when you read this I'm probably on my way to assassin Mark Tuan. I'm sorry that I have to leave you without informing you about it. Please don't be mad at me. I will come back right after I successfully assassinated your father. I'm not sure how long it will take, but the maximum is a few months. If I didn't come back in a few months, pray for me and run.
You must have realized the things I left on the table. Those things are for your protection. When you go out, wear the dark clothes I've prepared for you and bring the pocket knife and pepper spray with you at all times. Don't trust anyone. Not even Momo.
I love you, Yoongi."

Kathy grabbed the dark clothes and changed into it. She took out a pair of scissors and cut her hair shorter and put a cap on.

She grabbed a black bag and shoved her wallet, the pepper spray, and the pocket knife in it.

"Looks like I'll be alone for a few days..."


<8 weeks later>

"Shit....." Kathy opened her eyes and grabbed a trash bag near her bed and vomited.

She tied the trash bag up and dumped it in the large trash can. She walked to the sink and rinsed her mouth.

After she washed off the disgusting odor coming out her mouth she poured herself a cup of water.

"Shit... Am I pregnant?" Kathy mumbled as she bit her nails.

I have to call someone to take me to the hospital. I can't leave by myself if I am really pregnant.
Kathy thought as she grabbed her phone and dialed a number to someone she is really close to, Jackson Wang.


"Jackson... it's me, Kathy... I need your help..."

"What's wrong? Where are you?"

"I'm at home... I need to go to the hospital... but I'm don't want to go by myself..."

"I'll go to your place right away. Wait for me."

"Kay... Hurry..."

With that being said. Kathy changed into her all-black outfit and wore a mask to cover her face.

She took the SIM card out and threw it in the trash can. She knows there is a possibility of her being spied on by her father. She sat on her bed and waited patiently.

Soon, a knock was heard at the door. She hurried her footsteps to the door and peeked through the peeking hole. After she saw the familiar face she smiled and opened the door.

Jackson barged in and shut the door behind him. He glanced at her and gasped.

"What the heck happened to you? You look like you went to hell and back."

Kathy sighed and grabbed her black bag. "Let's go..."

Jackson nodded and helped her out.

Kathy sat down in Jackson's car as he began driving.

"Why call me out of a sudden?" He asked.

Kathy placed her hand on her tummy and sighed, "Jackson, I might be pregnant."

She looked at him as he opened his mouth into an "O" shape and his eyes widened.


Kathy covered his mouth and stared at him in the eyes. "I'm not sure yet. Don't yell this loud. It's going to break my eardrums."

Jackson nodded and sighed.

Soon, they arrived at the hospital.
The doctor did a check up on Kathy and then confirmed that she is pregnant.

Jackson waited by the doctor's office patiently as Kathy walked out of the door.

Kathy smiled brightly at Jackson and tapped him on the shoulders.

"What's the result?"


"Oh my gosh!!! Who's the father?"

Kathy smiled at him and said, "It's Yoongi. He is the father of the child."

Jackson scratched his head and asked, "Where is he?"

"On a business trip."

"Isn't he fired though?"

Kathy sighed and said, "Don't ask."

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