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It has been two months since I started working with Kathy. To my surprise, she is really serious about her work despite her clumsiness.

There are a few traits that are good about Kathy, but only two of them that I adore the most is her positive spirit and kindness.

Whenever I got scolded by Mr.Jung, Kathy will cheer me up by giving me a hug and candies. And she even makes me dinner when I was feeling down.

Even though I hated skin ships, and doesn't need anyone to do those things for me. Somehow I liked it. Maybe it was because of the fluffy feeling inside my torn heart or maybe it is because it makes me feel special.

I used to be lonely and cold to everyone around me, but I couldn't do that to Kathy.

For some reason, I couldn't help but laugh when she's laughing. Couldn't help but cry when she is crying. Couldn't help but stare at her when she's working and then look away sheepishly when she caught me staring.

It was so perfect that I had stopped thinking about my quest to assassinate her. Maybe because I already gave her a special place to live in my heart or maybe because I adore her.

I know what I'm supposed to do, I just need to pull the trigger and stop that heart from beating, I've tried to do that before. I've broken into her room and pointed the gun at her, but I couldn't pull the trigger. It was too late, I am down too deep in the black hole known as Love.

Yoongi sighed and continued working.

Usually, Kathy would be energetic in the mornings, but recently she began to become quieter and quieter.

When I asked her what's wrong she would just give me a smile and push the topic off.

But it wasn't too hard for me to figure out what's up.

From the information I got from Jackson, Kathy has been busy planning the next vacation plan for a famous superstar, Kim Taehyung, who is really picky about everything.

No wonder she has been so down these days... Yoongi thought as he looked over at Kathy and Jackson.

"Kathy, I think the boss is looking for you," Jackson said as he glanced over at the door.

He gulped and continued to say, "I think he is really unhappy about something. Be careful with what you say and do."

Kathy nodded and stood up. Yoongi held her wrist and patted on it. "You're going to be alright."

Kathy gave him a weak smile and nodded. "Thanks, I needed that."

She withdrew her hand from Yoongi's and walked towards Mr. Jung's office.

Kathy placed her hand on the door handle and asked, "Mr. Jung? Can I go in?"

"Yes, please," said Mr.Jung as Kathy pushed down on the handle and walked into the office.

It was silent for a while and Yoongi thought it was weird. He leaned over to Jackson and asked, "Hey, what is happening in there?"

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