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Kathy shifted as she adjusted her body to the unfamiliar heaviness on her body. She opened her eyes slowly as she adjusted to the bright sunlight shining into the room.

I looked up and saw Yoongi sleeping peacefully beside me. I smiled as I snuggled my head into his comfortable chest and glanced up at the sleeping man.

I wish every day would be like this. Just ordinary everyday married couple life would be good for me. I'm so glad that Yoongi came back. I know he went through a lot yesterday, and I believe it was tough for him too. But thank you Lord for sending him back home with me.

I got out of the bed really carefully and avoided making a lot of noise. I don't want to wake Yoongi up from the bed.

I tiptoed my way to the kitchen and grabbed a pan out of the cabinet.

I grabbed four eggs and two strips of bacon. Then I took some butter and some bread out of the fridge.

Then I pulled out the toaster and put the bread into it. I poured some olive oil into the pan as it heats up.

I made bacon and then use the oil that came out of the bacon to make scrambled eggs.

Kathy was too busy preparing breakfast to even realize that her lovely boyfriend woke up from his slumber.

I felt a pair of large and warm hands securing my tummy as I felt some hot breath on the back of my neck.

I shivered at the kiss that he gave me on my neck.

I'm a really sensitive person, and being pregnant doesn't help.

I elbowed him lightly and told him to go sit down and wait. The breakfast is almost ready.

Yoongi walked to the dining table and sat down obediently.

I plated the food and carried them to the table. He smiled at me and said, "Thanks, Hon, smells so good!!"

I blushed and whispered, "Thank you."

Looking at him eat is a luxury for me. I'm so happy to see him sitting in front of me. Happy and alive.

I smiled at the thought of my baby in my stomach. He stared at me and asked, "Why are you so happy today? Can you tell me and share your happiness with me?"

I nodded and said, "Yoongi, I'm two months and two weeks into the pregnancy."

His eyes widened at the sudden news. His eyes narrowed into a crescent as he smiled happily.

"Really?!?! I'm going to be a father?!?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, Yoongi. You're going to be a father!"

He leaned forward to me and landed a kiss on my lips.

A few minutes later he broke away from the kiss and whispered in my ears.

"Kathy, do you want to fly back to Daegu with me and become my wife?"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Yes, I will!"

|The End|

A/N: Sorry for the short ending~~~

Thank you all for reading! Love Y'all!!!

Please look forward to my other series as well.

"The Daily Life of D.A.M.N."

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