Chapter 16 : Decision

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I climbed up the stairs of the bus, shivering from the rain. I scanned the bus for Madison or Paige. Negative. I walked till I reached the middle row and shrugged my bag off, slumping into the window seat. 

'Where is everyone?' I thought as I plugged my earphones into my ears. 

I was humming along quietly to Chasing The Sun by The Wanted when Harry Matthews and Parker Chen stomped up the stairs of the bus, looking around for an empty seat. By now most of the seats were already taken up. I saw Harry point at the seat besides me and the seat across the isle where two sixth graders were sitting. They came down the isle and Harry asked if he could sit next to the sixth graders. The two girls replied with a quick squeak saying sure and moved over. Parker hovered over me.  

"Hey, Leighton... can I sit here?" he asked, gesturing to the seat my backpack was taking up. 

"Sure!" I replied, shoving my bag onto the floor. Parker plopped down onto the seat and turned to talk to Harry. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I stared at Parker. I used to like him in 6th grade, I thought he was really cute and nice. In 6th grade, I would've been screaming inside my head over the fact that he was sitting next to me. But today, a year later, I would've done anything to have been sitting next to Russell or Mitchell. 

Wait. Why? I have a boyfriend. Was this the guilt of losing my bracelet? I'd already told Oliver because he had asked me what was wrong, why I looked so sad. I nearly cried as I told him how I had lost the bracelet and how I looked for it for two whole days but couldn't find it anywhere. He told me it was okay, that he'd get me a new bracelet and I shouldn't worry about it. 

So he forgave me. So, what's your problem Leighton Evans?



...I think I like Russell more than Mitchell. The thought just popped up in my mind. OKAY, come on, what the hell Leigh. Have you forgotten? You have a boyfriend. He's in the picture too! What are you going to do with him? Hm? 

If I broke up with Oliver and confessed to Russell about my feelings but Russell doesn't feel the same way about me, will I regret breaking up with Oliver? Probably. Am I just dating him because I want a boyfriend? Absolutely not. I truly love him, but I just feel selfish for liking someone else. I guess it's not fair to Oliver for me to be dating him when I like someone else as well. But if I do tell Russell, will it be awkward afterwards?

...OF COURSE IT'LL BE AWKWARD, WE'RE JUST FRIENDS. Or are we? I can't be sure if he feels anything for me if I don't tell him.

But I've bugged him loads of times about who he likes, and every time I get the same answer. No one, and I trust him. He's only liked one person before, and well. Loads of people like her, she's gorgeous, and all the guys agree she's hot.

Russell has always been there for me. And I've had something for him since 6th grade. We've shared so much memories. We have so many inside jokes and I can trust him with anything and everything. But I don't know what he thinks of me. Just friends? Or more? ...Like best friends. Probably nothing more than the friend level.


But I had promised Gretchen that I would tell Russell how I felt on his birthday. May 30th. It had been two months since our first break up.

What in the world was I doing?

To break up or not to break up... that is the question.

So what's my decision?

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