Forced change of heart

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By the time the next day arrived Baby was already back to waking up late. She rushed to get ready and dodged questions about her relationship status from her brother. Luckily, she managed to get ready in record time. And more luckily, the three Bidybabs were already outside her house. She greeted them and they started towards eternal damnation- sorry, school.

They walked in silence until Electrobab decided to say something. "Hey, you know what's really weird?"

"I don't know, what?"

"The Minireenas didn't come annoy us this morning."

"Huh. That is weird. Maybe they're sick or something?"

"Doubt it. They've never missed a day before."

"Well, I'm sure they won't be gone for long."

Turns out Baby was right about the Minireenas not being gone for long. She saw them soon as they arrived at school and the Babs disappeared to talk to Bonnet. They looked like they were talking to Ballora. Weird. Ballora noticed the redhead almost immediately and waved her over. She shrugged and decided to go say hi. As she approached, she could see the Minireenas giving her dirty looks. Well, "see" isn't the right word. She couldn't actually see their faces because they wore masks for some weird reason. But she could practically feel the dirty looks they were giving.

Ballora smiled and said good morning to her. The Minireenas just looked at each other before turning towards the french girl. "Are you friends with her?" Oh god, they do speak. Ballora tilted her head to the side. "Yes? I find Baby's company rather enjoyable." The masked twins shared glances at each other again. Baby figured they must be telepathically communicating or something. "If you say so, it must be true." They shrugged. Okay, what the fuck. The two said bye to Ballora and walked off. As the girls departed for the lunchroom. Baby continued to give Ballora a funny look.


"Did you...did you just...make those two okay with my existence?"

"I guess? I'm going to assume you had troubles with them before?"

"Yeah, they used to avoid me like was I was gonna kill them or something."

"Well, it doesn't seem like they're going to anymore."

"I'm so confused. What did you do? Voodoo magic? Mind control? Did you tap into their telepathy?" Ballora shrugged as she pushed open the doors to the lunchroom. "I don't know, maybe."

The others greeted them as Baby showed Lori to their usual table. She planned on just spectating her friends' conversations today. Unfortunately, Yenndo didn't seem to have the same line of thinking. He leaned towards her with his stupid smug ass grin.

"Hey, Baby?"


"What are you doing this evening?" Oh god. Not this again. Yenndo tried to ask out someone at this table every week. Boy, girl, or otherwise. Baby supposed it was her turn this week. She simply rolled her eyes and flicked him on the forehead. "Not you. You know I only date girls." Yenndo rubbed his forehead. "Can't blame a guy for trying. I thought you were bi." Ballora popped into the conversation. "Actually, I would be the bisexual one here." Huh. Guess she's not straight either. Yenndo smiled and said "Really now?" He then proceeded to try and hit on her. Try being the key word here. His pickup lines were somehow worse than last time. Which is quite amazing since the last one he used was "If you were a squirrel I'd let put nuts in my hole." She decided to tune him out. Instead, she looked to the other side of the table. Lolbit caught her gaze. She glanced over to Ballora for a moment and started wiggling her eyebrows at Baby. 

Baby flipped her off.

Ennard popped up behind her. "Hey now, you shouldn't flip people off at school." She flipped him off too. He simply laughed and took a seat between Yenndo and Ballora. As expected, he immediately introduced himself to the new girl. "Hello there! You must be Ballora right?" She nodded and shook hands with him. "I am. And you are?"

"My name is Edward. Everyone calls me Ennard though. I'm shortie's older brother."

Baby scoffed. "I am not short!"

"Shush. Yes you are. You're shorter than Freddy and he's only like 5'2."

"T-TRUE." Freddy chimed in.

Uggggghh. She Hated when people pointed out that she was short. Even if it was extremely true. Oh well. They would pay for it later. "Alright, whatever. I'm going to class early. Any of you dorks want to come with me?" Lolbit and Ballora stood up. "Sure."

The three of them walked to class. The door was locked so they stood in front of the classroom and talked. Mostly about Mr. Fitzgerald's stupid project. Ballora eventually left to get her textbook from her locker; leaving Lolbit and Baby by themselves. It turned into an awkward few minutes of Lolbit staring at Baby. She tried to ignore her. It didn't work.

"Okay, why the fuck are you staring at me?"

"You were totally staring at her chest dude."

Baby's face flushed bright red. "No! I was- I just- it wAS AT EYE LEVEL WITH ME!"

Lolbit snickered. "Chill out ya small gay peanut. I was just messing with you."

The shorter girl glared at her. "Don't call me that. I already have a weird nickname. I don't need another one."

"I'll try. And by try, I mean I'm gonna start calling you that."

Ballora came back over with her textbook. "Hey guys, did I miss anything?"

"Not really. Me and SGP were just chatting."

"SGP? Does that stand for something?"

"No, it doe-" Lolbit cut her off. "It stands for Small Gay Peanut. That's my new nickname for Baby."

"Well, then I guess I did miss something."

"Yeah, something stupid."

"I don't know about it being stupid. I kinda like it. It's a weirdly cute nickname. Not as cute as Baby though."


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