Dumb stuff

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"Do you remember that time you dyed your eyebrows blue for twenty bucks?"

"Yeah... I ought to do that again honestly."

Mrs. Masters' class was slowly becoming the class where Lolbit and Baby discussed weird shit they had done.

It was also the class where Ballora got more uncomfortably close to Baby than she usually did.

Currently, the bluenette was pushed up against the redhead's shoulder despite the fact she had the whole rest of table to use.

Unsurprising really.

But Baby was still managing to keep her composure.

Kind of.

She looked like an awkward mess actually.

"You should do that again dude."

"Yeah... remember when you stole the mascot head and put it on Mr. Fitzgerald while he was asleep at his desk?"

"Of course dude!" Lolbit grinned. "He woke up and he was all like 'who the fuck?-'"

Mrs. Masters walked by. "Language, Lola."

"Right, sorry. He was like 'whom the fuck?'"


"Oh, remember when Foxy Schnur tried to run into the classroom before the bell rang and you slammed the door right in his face?"

"Hell yeah dude. That was funny as fuck."

"You know, just when I think you two have run out of weird or violent things to reminisce about, you always manage to prove me wrong."

"We can't help it, man. Just wait until you get caught up in our stupidity."

"I look forward to it honestly."

"Then I'll start scheming right away."

The bell rung, cutting their conversation short.

They put their unfinished math packets away, grabbed their bags, and left the classroom.

"Wait, we have to go to Bal's place to work on Mr. Fitzgerald's assaholic project today right?"

"Oh shit, you're right! I have to go tell Foxy." Lolbit sprinted off towards the staircase, leaving Baby and Ballora by themselves.

"Alrighty then. Guess we'll have to band together and locate those two after our last class. Meet you outside Mrs. Shrimpton's class?"


The two separated to go to their last two classes. Once those last few torturous were over, Baby and Ballora met up at Shrimpton's class like they said they would. After a quick greeting, the two immediately set off on their journey. 

As Baby and Ballora continued down the hallway they got jumpscared by Ennard, who practically tackled them.

"Hey, guys!"


"And I've been startled as well."

"Whoops, my bad!" Ennard smiled apologetically. "Anywho, where are you two going?"

"Lolbit and Foxy and I have to go over to Bal's place and work on a project for Mr. Assgerald."

Ennard's eyes lit up. "Ooh let me give you guys a ride!"

Baby frowned. "Appreciate the sentiment Enn, but no thanks. We'll walk."

"Awwww c'mon! Let me drive you guys!"

"Why do you want to drive us so badly?"

"Can't I just do nice things for my sister and her friends?"



Ennard got down onto the floor and clung to his sister's leg.

In the middle of the hallway.

In front of everyone.

Baby sighed. "No thanks, Ennard. We'll pass."

She then started to walk down the hallway with Ennard still clinging to her leg.


"Ennard, people are going to start stepping on you."


"You know what, we'll accept your offer Ennard."

"Wait, really?!" Ennard grinned.

"Yeah, really?!" Baby cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah. It's going to take us forever to get to the door with Ennard clinging to your leg like that."

"Heck yeah! Thank you for accepting Miss Legrand!" Ennard got up off the floor. "And as for you Miss Jones," He picked up Baby.

"Ennard! Put me down!"

"No! You are coming with me whether you like it or not!"

He then ran off down the hallway, leaving Ballora to chase after him.

By the time three reached the door they found Lolbit and Foxy were already waiting for them.

"What the hell took you three so long?"

Ennard dropped his sister onto the ground earning a "For fucks sake!" from her. "We were coming to an agreement!"

Baby picked herself up off the ground. "Which is basically code for 'we had a long and meaningless conversation that resulted in Ennard giving us a ride.'"

"Damn it not again."

After a 'fun' car ride with Ennard, everyone actually managed to make it to Ballora's house, and they were now working on Mr. Shitzgerald's project.

"Like I fucking know what the hell the president of the Senate does. For all I know, he could sit on his ass all day eating Cheez-Its."

"If you don't know, then look it up in your textbook."

"Dude, what makes you think I actually brought my textbook?"

Foxy sighed. "I think I have mine in my backpack. Let me go check."

Foxy got up and left the room.

"Annnnnnd now we have to wait for Foxy to come back."

"My bad man."

"Eh, it's fine. Whatever helps me procrastinate more." Baby threw her pencil down, deciding to look up from the paper sitting in front of her and instead stare blankly at the dresser she was facing.

She paused for a moment.


Baby looked towards Ballora and pointed towards something on the dresser.

"Did you... actually keep the flower I gave you?"

"Of course I did."

"Aw, that's really gay."


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