Meeting up

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 "Hey, are you wearing my clothes?"


"Yeah, that's what I thought." Ennard took another obnoxiously loud sip of his coffee. He, alongside the two girls, was sitting in a random coffee shop that was in downtown.

For once, things were actually kind of peaceful. Well, aside from Ennard drinking his coffee in a super irritating manner.

It was nice.

At least it was until someone slammed into the window they were sitting by.

"HI GUYS!" A muffled voice yelled from the other side of the glass.

"Hi, Freddy! Come join us!" Ennard yelled back.

Freddy rushed inside and grabbed an open seat, making sure to obnoxiously drag it across the tile floor before sitting down. "I D-DIDN'T EXPECT TO S-SEE YOU GUYS HERE THIS EARLY! E-E-ESPECIALLY YOU." He looked towards Baby. She shrugged in response. "I blame the sun."

"WELL I'M GLAD THE S-SUN INTERVENED WITH YOUR SLEEP! MOSTLY B-BECAUSE I WANTED TO S-SEE YOU GUYS!" Freddy yelled with a dopey grin on his face. "Is there any reason in particular you wanted to see us at this ungodly hour?"

"Freddy wanted to go to that Circus Baby's Pizza World that's opening today."



As Freddy and his rabbit puppet started to bicker Ennard turned towards the girls with a look of excitement spreading across his features. "I didn't know that was opening today! We should go!"

"I dunno Enn."

"C'mon! How could you not want to go? The place literally has your name in the title!"

Baby took another sip of her coffee. "That's just a stupid coincidence."

"No, it's not, its a sign!"

"Excuse me, but what is Circus Baby's Pizza World exactly?" Ballora interrupted.

"It's part of a mediocre pizza chain around here. They're famous for their creepy looking animatronics and shit."

"They're not creepy!"

"Yes, they are."

"Are no-" Ennard got interrupted by a blue rabbit puppet smacking him in the fucking face. Freddy quickly grabbed Bon Bon form the spot on the table where he landed. "W-W-WHOOPS, SORRY ENNARD." He placed the puppet back on his hand. Once back in place, Bon Bon slowly turned to face the bowtie-wearing boy. "Don't try that again." Freddy slowly moved his puppet bearing arm further away from his face. "U-UNDERSTOOD." He seemed nervous when he responded, but it only took about three seconds for his dorky smile to return his face. "A-ANYWAYS, DO YOU GUYS W-WANNA COME? THE OTHERS WILL BE THERE." Before either of the girls could actually respond, Ennard did it for them. "YES!" He practically screeched. "AWESOME! M-MEET ME AT FOXY AND LOLBIT'S H-HOUSE AT EIGHT T-THIRTY SHARP." Freddy then proceeded to run out the door without another word, knocking over the chair he was using in the process.

A few hours had passed when eight thirty had finally rolled around. The three had made their way over to the Foxx residence and knocked on the door. It only took about half a second for Lolbit to answer the door. "S'up losers?" Was the friendly greeting they received. "Nice to see you too." From inside the house, they could hear Freddy practically fall down the stairs. "ABOUT T-TIME YOU GUYS GOT HERE! I S-SAID EIGHT THIRTY SHARP, AND IT IS TEN WHOLE S-SECONDS PAST EIGHT THIRTY! WE HAVE T-TO GO NOW!" He shoved past Lolbit, who had absolutely no reaction to hitting the door frame. He then proceeded to bound out the door. Ennard grinned. "HECK YEAH, LET'S GO!" He ran after Freddy at lightning speed.

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