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Baby lead Ballora to Ennard's truck since he ran out like a dumbass. When they finally arrived at the parking lot he was splayed across the hood like Rose from Titanic. Unironically of course.

"Man, it took the two of you forever to get here!"

"Well maybe if you didn't sprint out of the school like a crazy person, we wouldn't have been so far behind."

"Oh yeah. You guys got totally left behind didn't you?"

"Yes, we did."

"Oh, whoops. Well, it's in the past now! Hop on in!" Ennard slid off the hood and hopped into the driver's seat.

Baby looked towards Ballora. "Can you believe this boy?"  Ballora smiled. "I like your brother. He's goofy."

"Yeah, and his goofiness has no bounds, unfortunately."

Ennard honked his horn at them repeatedly. "C'mon you two! I want to go home and get food!"

Baby rolled her eyes. "You always want food Ennard." He grinned. "If you know that, then why are you keeping me waiting???"

"Alright, shit." Baby took shotgun and Ballora sat behind her. "About time! Let's go!" Ennard proceeded to floor it and Baby suddenly remembered why she walked everywhere.

"Christ Ennard, don't speed!"

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are."

"Your throne is built on a foundation of lies!"

"This is the reason I walk everywhere."


"Aw, don't team up against me!"

"If you didn't drive like fucking Spongebob we wouldn't have to."

They continued to bicker while Ennard drove like a fucking nutjob. Overall, the experience was horrifying and would probably haunt them for years to come. Though aside from that it was pretty okay.

It seemed to take forever to get home despite how fast Ennard was going.  As soon as he pulled into the driveway both girls immediately spilled out of the car.

"Get me out of this deathtrap."

Ennard hopped out of the driver's seat. "It wasn't THAT bad you guys."

"That's because you've become immune to the horrors of your own driving." Baby muttered as she jammed her key into the front door. She swung open the door and Ennard ran in faster than Foxy.

"Okay then. So much for ladies first."  She held the door open for Ballora. "Thanks, you're so sweet Baby."

"Well I wouldn't use that word to describe myself but thanks anyway." Baby followed her inside and closed the door behind her. As per the norm, Ennard was already busy shoving slices of bread into his mouth. "Holy hell, slow the fuck down."

"I can't, I have to go in a few minutes. I just wanted to drop my stuff off here first."

"Where are you going?"

"I have a date to go on."

"You? Have a date? With who??"


Baby paused for a moment and tried to process that. "Wait, you're going on a date with Yenn? Yenn Schultes? The senior guy who's pansexual, dyes his hair silver, and has hit on everyone in the school at least twice?"

"Yep." Ennard replied popping the 'p'.

The redhead gave her brother a funny look. "Why would you go on a date with him?"  Sure, Baby loved Yenndo (as a friend anyway), but his attempts at flirting were...horrible to say the least. That's not even mentioning the fact her brother was straight as a fucking plank of wood last time she checked.

"Well at first I wasn't really interested, but then he said he would pay for dinner after the movie so I couldn't pass that up." Ennard grinned.

Well... that makes more sense.

"You're just gonna use him to get a free meal now?"

"Yeah, I told him that's what would happen if we went on a date."


"He didn't care."

Yeah, that makes sense too.

"Well, have fun on your date I guess. Don't make Yenndo broke."

Ennard swung the door open with the loaf of bread still in his hands. "That's asking a lot, but I'll try. You two better have fun as well." he added a stupid little wink at the end as he closed the door. There goes their bread.

Both girls stood there for a moment before Ballora spoke up. "Wow, that all happened really quickly."

"It did."

"Is this normally how things go at your house?"

"Pretty much."

Aaaaaannnnd more awkward silence. Well, it was hella awkward for Baby. Ballora seemed fine though. She seemed unnaturally comfortable in the sea of awkward. To make the situation even better, she was just staring at her. Just ...staring. Staring at her with her ...actually rather pretty magenta eyes now that she realized it. Wait, what? No. Baby shook the thought from her head. That was really weird. Why did she think that?

Baby's phone vibrated in her pocket, stopping her before she could question herself anymore. She broke her gaze from the french girl to see a text from Lolbit.

Lolbit: Hey dude, r u dead? Freddboi said U didn't show up 2 Schmidt's class. Did Afton finally murder u? Should I call the fuzz?  

Baby: Nah, I'm fine. I just kinda sorta maybe 100% skipped.

Lolbit: Ooooohhh Should've known. Me and Foxy r about 2 leave school. Do u need a ride or..?

Baby: Nah, I'm already at my house. Ballora is here too.

Lolbit: Oooooooo r u having fun?

Baby: Shut up.

Lolbit: No thnx, I'm good. Srsly tho, I hope you're having fun because you're gonna be there w/her until we get there.

Shit, she's right. Baby put her phone back in her pocket and looked up. Ballora was still staring at her. Baby quickly looked to the side and awkwardly cleared her throat. "Uhh... Foxy and Lolbit are on their way."

"Then I guess it just me and you until they get here."

"Uhh... yeah... I guess so."

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