A thing

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The two broke the kiss. Ballora laughed at the slightly dazed look on the other girl's face. "Did you like that?"

"Yeah..." The redhead responded quietly. Most likely still trying to process what had just transpired.

"So... would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" Baby responded a little too quickly with a dead ass serious look in her eyes.

Ballora laughed again. "Well then, I guess it's official." She took a second glance out the window beside the door. "Afton is gone. We should probably get to Mrs. Moss' class before the bell rings." Baby attempted to regain her composure. "Yeah, you're right."

The two deserted the empty classroom together in a last-ditch effort to make it to chem class before the bell rang. Not that Mrs. Moss would probably care in anyway shape or form that they were late. Many of the teachers at their school shared that "I don't really care for this job or the responsibilities that come with it. Actually, I'm not even sure why I even bothered to get a teaching degree in the first place." attitude.

Maybe that's why they never actually learned anything useful.

The two girls arrived at their class moments before the bell rang and parted ways to head to their seats. Unfortunately, their assigned seats were nowhere near one another. But on the bright side, Baby could still stare at Ballora from across the room. And quite frankly, that was way more interesting than whatever Mrs. Moss was droning on about. Something about sodium? Eh, she didn't really care. Her mind was elsewhere.

Actually, Baby was so lost in her own little world she didn't even notice when the bell rang, despite how fucking loud it was.

It wasn't until she felt a hand on her shoulder that she realized she was one of the only people left in the classroom.

As it turns out, the person who had put their hand on her shoulder turned out to be Ballora.

Unsurprising really.

The taller girl leaned closer to Baby.

"I'll see you after school." She quickly kissed Baby on the cheek before leaving the classroom.

Baby watched Ballora disappear into the massive crowd outside the classroom. She then decided she should probably get to her own class before the bell rang. Especially since her next class was on the other side of the school.

Upon successfully making it through the door before the bell rang Baby took her seat next to Lolbit with a smile on her face. It wasn't until Mr. Grant left everyone to work with a partner that Lolbit asked why the fuck Baby looked so happy. Normally, Baby looked like she wanted to fucking die during Mr. Grant's class. But now, she looked like she just won the damn lottery.

"What the hell is a matter with you?" She whispered.

"Ballora and I are dating now."

"Wait, REALLY?!" Lolbit shouted, causing everyone to look at her. "Lola, please lower your voice."

"Sorry teach." lolbit turned back towards her friend and lowered her voice. "You guys are dating now???"

"Yeah. I told her I liked her and then she kissed me in an empty classroom." Baby grinned.

"Holy shit that literally sounds fucking adorable. I literally wanna scream right now. I'm so fucking happy for you guys." Lolbit awkwardly hugged Baby, which was only weird because Lolbit never really hugged people in an unironic fashion. "Okay, now YOU'RE the one being weird."

"I can't help it, dude. I'm so proud. I thought you weren't gonna tell her but you did!"

"Are you crying?"

"No, soulless people can't cry. My eyes are just pissing."

"If that's the case, then you should probably see a doctor."

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