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Baby and Ballora stood over by the shorter girl's locker together. The sixth-period bell had already rung signaling the end of school. They would have probably gotten the hell out already if they weren't waiting for someone. Well, three someones.

"Who are we waiting for again?"

"Blaine, Bobbie, and Easton. They're these three freshmen I usually walk home with"




Speaking of the little demons. "Hey, guys. How's it going?" The Babs immediately started telling Baby all the interesting and boring parts of their Friday. It took them at least two minutes to notice the presence of someone else. Electrobab was the first to notice.

"Hey, wait, when did you get here?"

"Are you Baby's friend?"

"You're the new girl right?"

"What part of France are you from?

"How tall are you?"

"Are you a junior?"

"What's your name?"

Ballora blinked. Most likely trying to process the tidal wave of questions that just smacked her in the fucking face. "Uuuuh... I've been here the whole time, yes I'm her friend, I'm still slightly new here, I'm from Nantes, I'm five foot eleven, I'm a junior, and my name is Bailey but you can call me Ballora." She finished off, impressively interpreting what the Babs said with total accuracy despite the lightning speed they spoke at. Before they could hit her with their next round of questions Baby cut them off. "Alright guys, I don't think Bal is down for a FULL round of twenty questions. It'll make the Journey home much, much, MUCH longer." The Bidybabs sent the redhead a look of confusion. "Wait, is she coming with us?"

"Yep." She replied popping the 'p'. She picked up her backpack from where she threw it on the ground. "Now, let us leave this shithole in style."

"By style do you mean awkwardly shove through the crowds of people and try not to get trampled?" Electrobab questioned. "Yes, I do. Now let's get a fucking move on!" With that, the five of them set off into the sea of hormones, sweat, judgment, and ungodly amounts of AXE body spray. Ballora was the only one to not nearly get trampled due to her clear height advantage. She lead the way like a beacon of hope, parting the sea of assholes just enough to clear a slightly safe path to follow. It was kinda like trying to lead sheep through a pack of large squirrels on coke. The path was treacherous, but they managed to make it out with just a few flesh wounds. ...Okay, maybe that's a little overdramatic, but it was still a rather liberating feeling when they actually managed to get through the front door.

"Holy shit, that was worse than usual. Teenagers scare the living shit out me. Those fuckers could care less as long as someone'll bleed." Baby muttered as they cut through the baseball field. "Must be because it's Friday. The fifth day is always the most intense."

"Yeah, that's true."

"You should know this by now Circus." Bobbie shook her head. "Well, I don't really- ...Wait a second, what did you just call me?" Baby was used to hearing stupid nicknames from Lolbit but the Bidybabs didn't usually grace her with such bullshit. "I called you Circus." Bobbie repeated. "Why? That's so stupid."

"Because we've collectively agreed that you remind us of a clown."

"How?" Baby looked towards Ballora. "Do I remind you of clown?" The bluenette studied her for a moment. "Yeah... a little bit. Not in a bad way though." Baby frowned. "I still hate it."

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