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Ballora was walking through the empty hallway to her third hour class.

And then she stopped as she heard two very familiar voices shout from the supply closet.

A loud husky one shouted "Ew, that's fucking gross dude! Why did you lick my hand?"

A much softer voice responded nonchalantly. "I didn't feel it necessary for you to cover my mouth with your hand to keep me quiet."

"Still nasty. Like, you know I haven't washed my hands."

"Eh, I don't really care."

Then there was a lot of shuffling, followed by a loud thud as the door flew open and two girls fell onto the tile floor in a tangle of limbs.

"I miss two hours and weird stuff is already happening."

Lolbit and Baby looked up from their spot on the floor.

"Ballora!" They both yelled at the same time.

The two girls quickly scrambled to get up.

"Where have you been all day dude!?"

"Yeah, why weren't you in first hour?"

"I had a doctor's appointment. Why were you two in a supply closet?'

"We're hiding from Afton's wrath."


"This cheeky cunt over here." Baby pointed towards the platinum blonde next to her. "Made me break into the main office with her so she could call Afton a daft cunt over the loudspeaker."

"Oh my, look at you two troublemakers."

"I know right? We're so naughty."

"That sounds really fucking weird."

"Yes, yes it does. Is there any particular reason you wanted to call Afton ...that over the loudspeaker?"

Lolbit opened her mouth to answer but Baby stopped her. "Please, don't start listing things." Baby looked towards Ballora. "Just know Lolbit has a list of reasons prepared."

The distinct sound of loud, quick footsteps could suddenly be heard around the corner.

"Shit, he's coming back!"

Lolbit quickly shoved Baby and herself back into the supply closet and shut the door.

Afton rounded the corner and spotted Ballora. "Miss Legrand? What are you doing in the hallway?"

"Oh, sorry principal Afton. I arrived at school late."

"Why did it sound like there was someone else in the hallway?"

"Uh, that was probably just... my headphones. My music was kinda loud."

Afton eyed her suspiciously. "Alright. Get to class Miss Legrand."

He then disappeared around another corner. Ballora waited a few moments to make sure he wasn't coming back. "Coast is clear."

Baby and Lolbit stumbled back out of the supply closet. "Oh my bag of dicks, I can't believe he actually fell for that. He really is a daft cunt."

"Yeah, thanks for the save Bal." Baby gave Ballora a quick hug. "Anytime." She smiled.

Baby turned back towards Lolbit. "We should probably get to Mr. Benedict's class."

"Ugggghhh... do we have to?"

"Yes! We already missed half of Mr. Smith's class."

"Finnneee." Lolbit groaned. "See you at lunch dude."

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