Heartbreaker (T.H)

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First POV again
(R/N) - Random Name.


I've been best friend with Harrison for a while now, we haven't been hanging out that much lately, I really miss him. Since him and his other best friend Tom is on a break from filming, they're coming to visit me. Tom is my close friend but not as close as Harrison. I'm pretty sure that Tom is closer to Harrison than me. I mean come on I ship them. Don't we all do?

I grabbed my phone as it rang loudly in my bedroom.

"Hey (y/n), we'll be at the restaurant in about 10 minutes. I'm still waiting for Tom to come back."

"Where is he?" I asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Alright then, see you there." I said. We ended the call. As I stood there, I started to worry about Tom. Is he okay? Did something happened to him? Negative thoughts started flooding my mind. I hope he's alright.

Oh my gosh, I'm overthinking again.

Remember (y/n), don't overthink too much you're just creating problems that aren't even there. And especially about Tom, don't worry I'm sure he doesn't like anybody. So do not think that he likes a girl, he doesn't. No one is good enough for him except you, I'll make sure he knows that.

Harrison's voice rang in my head, he said that to me before he left for Tom's film. Okay, all I have to do is calm down. Harrison was the only person who knew that I like Tom, I don't know how but he did. I'm sure Jacob knows as well but I trust them. I know that they'll never tell him.

I locked my house and got in my car and drove to the restaurant. Harrison was already there so I went to the table right away.

"Hey, where's Tom?" I asked as I sit.

"He's on his way." Haz answered. We then ordered our food and sat there talking about random stuff.

We both looked up to see Tom standing there, smiling happily with a girl next to him. She's very pretty that's for sure. She has blonde hair her makeup was on point. Maybe a little too much though.

I smiled at both of them, but I stopped immediately when Tom introduced her.

"Hey guys, this is my girlfriend." Damn that hurts, I thought. "(R/n)."

"Hey," Haz and I said. I looked at Harrison, questioning him silently with my look. He looked surprised himself as he shrugged.

"So..how long have you been together?" I asked.

"We got together today." She answered. She seemed very nice. She's perfect for him.

They ordered their food, they kept flirting when they're eating, it's quite annoying. I took my phone out and started texting Haz under the table.

Me : I thought you said he's single Haz.

Bestie : I don't know, he never told me about her. I'm sorry.

Me : Don't be, it's not your fault it's not like we could stop him from liking other people.

"Babee feed me." (R/n) whined. Tom then put some food in her mouth and then he kissed her.
They look so happy together, how did I ever think that I could be with someone so prefect. A gift god have gave us. His smiles are the prettiest thing I've ever seen. And his laughs when I hear them I couldn't help but laugh too. He deserved the world and someone who's perfect for him like (R/n).

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