Keep Your Distance Holland (T.H)

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Spoiler of Chaos Walking Book One, don't read this chapter if you are reading or is planning on reading the first book.


"Don't look at her," your brother Nick said as you walked around the set of Chaos Walking. You rolled your eyes annoyed of his actions. For the past twenty that was all he said. He was very protective over you since you were the youngest and the only sister he had.

"Nick, calm down. People around here are going to think that I'm into myself. Plus nobody even want to look at my vile face." You said, stopping your track and turning back to face him.

"I have to protect you, okay?- be careful Y/n! They're digging holes for the movie." He said as he grabbed your arm, pulling you back from the gigantic holes.

"Okay, you really need to stop, these holes are only one meter deep." You yanked your arm away from Nicks grip.

You stomped away from him as he called for you. After a few more minutes of looking around the set, your brothers crew drove you guys into the forest. When you guys arrived, the crew and Nick left you because he had to prepare for his scenes. You stood still for a few seconds, taking in your environment.

You followed one of the other actor's crew because you didn't know where to go. As you followed the people, someone stopped you by grabbing your arm with their strong grip causing you to winced.

"What are you doing here? You're not the actors or part of the crew." A tall built man said to you with anger in his voice.

"I'm here with my brother." You said, trying to pull away from his grip.

"I heard that lame excuse before, never worked on me." He shook his head and began to drag you.

"Hey what are you doing!? Stop! It wasn't an excuse, Nick Jonas is my brother. Let me go!" You started trashing in the mans grip. You hit him a few times but it didn't help much.

"Ha, you're probably one of his fans." The man laughed bitterly.

"No I'm not! Let go of me. If my brother finds out about this, you're going to get fired." You warned the man knowing that your older brother was very protective.

The man continued to shake his head, dragging you. The people around you guys shook their heads at you, thinking that you were a fan too.

"Nick!" You yelled your brothers name a few times. He couldn't hear you though since you guys were far away from each other. The man dragged you to the place people parked their cars.

You didn't stop pulling away from the mans grip until a group of people came toward you guys. There were the crew and two boys behind them. One with blonde hair and the other one has brown hair.

"What are you doing to Y/n?" The blonde hair boy asked the man.

"I'm just doing my job, I'm suppose to keep eyes on the people who don't belong here." He glared at you as you narrowed your eyes at him.

"For the  millionth time, I'm Nick Jonas' sister!"  You got angry and yelled at the man. He told you to stop lying but let you go when the blonde boy told the man that you were telling the truth.

The man apologized and walked away embarrassed. You watched him walk away and poked your tongue out. You scrapped the mud  off your shoes on the road and thanked the boy.

"I'm Harrison by the way," he reached his hand out and you shook it. Your were about to say your name but he told you that he already know your name.

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