Dark Night (T.H)

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3000+ words took me about three hours, ehhh.

I knocked on the door and waited there for a few seconds before I heard a pair of feet walking toward to door. Tom's mom opened the door for me and let me in, we greeted each other before she told me to sit on the couch and that she will call the boys for me.

I waited for a few minutes before Tom, Harry, Sam and Paddy came down the stairs talking about video games. They stopped chatting when they saw me looking at them as they came down.

"Hi Y/n." They said at the same time before they came over to me, hugging me.

"You guys ready to go an adventure before Halloween?" I asked, knowing that the boys are scared of ghosts and clowns.

"Yup! By the way mom, where is dad?" Tom asked.

"He's out with some of his friends."

A few days ago we decided that we should go out at night a few days before Halloween just to get used to the feeling. We all wandered out of the flat and out our shoes on. I stood up after I tied my shoe laces and walked to the dark street.

"We're meeting Harrison in the old park right?" I asked, placing my hands on each side of my hips.

"Yeah, I don't get how he's so brave to wait there by himself at ten." Paddy walked up toward me.

"Well he's a brave boy." I stated.

"What about us?" Tom asked with his British accent as he slid on his hoodie that was resting on his arms a few seconds ago.

"You guys are scary cats." I said and started walking toward to old park.

"No we're not."

As we were walking the wind was particularly whispering in our ears, goosebumps climbed up our bodies quickly, causing some of us to shiver from the cold and from the spooky feeling filling our minds up.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Harry asked, looking a bit worried as he glanced around our surroundings.

"Yeah, I mean mom said that it was okay. We're grown ups now, not kids anymore." Sam answered the question, forgetting that Paddy was there too.

"Hey," Paddy glared at Sam.

"Sorry," Sam said quietly and hugging himself.

It was freezing, I was beginning to doubt whether this was actually a good idea. There was barely anybody on the street, a few lamps were already off since it was pretty late. We could hear dogs barking from each directions. It was darker than usual but probably because it was October.

When we arrived, the park was empty like usual. There in the middle of it all, was an old single swing. We all looked around for Harrison but we couldn't find him.

Maybe he's just late.

But he told us there he already arrived.

I looked at Tom and he nodded knowing what I was about to ask him. He took his phone out, hands shaking and I didn't know if it was from the cold or from fear.

"Maybe he was too scared to come here," Harry said.

"Then he would've told us." Paddy stated, looking around in the dark once again. In dark, we could see the silhouette of the trees surrounding us, the top of the trees casted shadow over us, engulfing us into the darkness.

"Where is he?" I asked finally.

"I don't know, he's not answering my text." Tom said, looking nervous for his best friend.

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