One Last Time (T.H) : Smut

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I do not own anything in this chapter, I didn't write the Smut because Idk makes me uncomfortable even though I love reading smuts.

This is probably one of the best Smut Imagine I've ever read.

@tommyhoelland2013 wrote this which is like omggg she's the best at writing. Check her other work out. link of the official post is here.

It'd been two months since Tom and I had broken up, since I've even seen him — other than his face being plastered everywhere I look. We'd broke up after he had confessed to sleeping with someone else while away to film. I suppose the guilt had been eating him alive because he told me two days after being home. He's called and text me nearly everyday, but I don't even bother to answer.

Unfortunately, I had moved in with Tom long before his rendezvous and never lived in the same area code until then, so I didn't have anywhere to go, but he was generous enough to let me stay for as long as I wanted while he stood with Harrison until I find something. At first, it was odd living on my own for the first time in a while, but I did get used to it quite fast. I've definitely takes advantage of Tom's 'stay as long as you want', but I've just been saving up to leave and go back home.

I laid out on the couch under a throw blanket, watching the TV since it was my first day off from school and work in a couple of weeks. The door bell rang and soft groan slipped from my lips before I threw the blanket off and walked over to the door. I got up on the balls of my feet and looked into the peephole. My heart nearly fell through to my feet as I saw Tom standing there.

"Fuck," I muttered, getting back down my feet. I shook off the nerves that suddenly came up. He rang the doorbell again and I opened the door. "What're you doing here?"

"Didn't you get my text?" I shook my head, I blocked him, so of course I didn't. "I need to grab some clothes and I wanted to check my mail."

I nod my head, "it's on the table." I stepped aside, pushing the door open, so he could get in. I shut the door and leaned on the arm of the couch with my arms crossed over my chest. I watched him walk to the kitchen, flipping through the mail and going to the bedroom. I looked down at the ground, quickly reminded I was only in boy shorts and a tank top. I got off the arm of the couch and sat back where I was to wrap the throw blanket around myself.

After a long fifteen minutes of staring down at my legs and hands, Tom walked out his bedroom with a duffel bag and I stood up, holding the blanket tightly around my body.
"So, how've you been?" He asked me, setting his bag down.

I shrugged, looking up at him. His hair had grown out, presumably from laziness. "I've been fine. And you?"

"Less than fine." He ran his fingers through his hair. "I've missed you."
"Yeah, I would, too."

"I take it that you don't feel the same." I shrugged, not wanting to admit it to him.

"Maybe we could go out to eat sometime soon and just talk things over?"

"I'm too busy."

"What about tonight?"

"I- I have work later." I lied, I wouldn't be able to do it. I'd be a broken mess the entire meal.

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