Love Me (T.H)

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 All you've ever wanted was for Tom to recognize you in the crowd of students, but why would he recognize a random girl in the sea of students?  

For the past two years, you have been crushing on Tom, you've talked to him a couple of times but he never remembered your name or your face, which caused your heart to ache. All you've been doing for the past two years was to impress him. You did everything a hopeless romantic would do.

Tom likes smart girl? you study hard just for him. He likes girls who play sport? you joined the basket ball and the football team. He likes girls who can cook? you took cooking classes for him. You were willing to do anything for him to notice you.

You just wanted the kind boy to like you, you wanted his eyes to try to find you in the crowd of people, you wanted him to send one of his famous smile to you - the smile that made all the girls swoon.

You didn't give up after two years, you were just tired. Each month he talked to you more and more but all your hopes went away when you found out that he had a girlfriend. Your fragile heart broke into pieces, breaking, telling you that you were alive and that the pain was real, sometimes you wished that it wasn't.

You went home crying your eyes out, not even once you came out of your room that day. Your face was buried in your pillow, fisting the white sheets on your bed, praying for the pain that had settled in your heart to just go away, but it didn't. Your friends called you but not once did you pick up. You cried until there was no tears left, until your body stopped shaking from the pain.

At that moment, you were sure that you love him.

I have to tell him before it's too late, you thought, your fists were by your side as you bit your lips nervously.

You stared at Tom as he kick the ball around the field with his friends, his loose white uniform hanging just over his hands as he rolled the sleeves up to his elbow. His laugh echoed through the football field as you walked closer.

Your heart felt like it was going to explode as the nervousness erupted in your brain. You were fiddling with your hands, shoulders pushing against your sides, your feet taking you to the boy you liked.

It was the last day of school before summer for everybody but it was the last day in England for you. You have been living with your older sister since you were 7 but now you were 15, your parents had asked you to move America with them because according to them, there were better schools and better opportunities to get the job that you wanted. You wanted to stay in England because that was where your family came from but for education opportunity sake, you said yes, you also wanted to get away from Tom and his girlfriend.

"Tom," you walked up behind him, poking his right shoulders to get his attention.

"Y/n," he nodded at you, finally sending you his famous smile, just on your last day.

"Can I talk to you about something?" You asked, holding your hands behind your back nervously, biting your lips once again.

"Sure." He answered before he told his friend to play without him. 

You guys walked away from the football field, towards big tree that shaded the area. When you guys were under the trees, you stopped your steps and turned back to look at him. You gulped down your fear, breathing in, trying to calm yourself down.

"You okay?" Tom asked grinning, getting slightly amused by your actions.

"Okay so, after this you can ran away from me," you said but in your mind you knew that you were the one who will be the one running away from him. Tom licked his lips, nodding slowly at you getting a bit confused. "So, you know when I fell on you the first time we met?" 

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