Held Hostage (T.H)

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Right now we're at the park deciding what to do for the day. Tom, Harrison and one of Tom's friend, Kiera are visiting you in London before they go back to Canada. Today's nice so far, the suns out and shining like a lamp.

"So what are we going to do today?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Let's get into pairs." Tom said, "I'll be with Kiera." He adds.

"So I'm with Harrison, but why are we in pairs?" I ask.

"We're starting a prank war." Tom answers. This is going to be great, I am so so good at prank war. Note the sarcasm.

"Okay then." I say as Harrison and I walk away from the other pair. Going back to Tom and Harrison's shared flat, we decide that we should just do the classic pranks first.

We arrive at the flat, I went inside to find a box of matches. Now all we have to do is just wait. This prank is very easy but it's going to be very funny to see them running. We sit on the couch, waiting. When Tom and Kiera arrived, they went upstairs. I look at Harrison and we nod at each other, smirking.

I pick the matches up, grab a chair. I step onto it, making me taller. I light one of the matches and hold it under the smoke detector, soon enough the other smoke detectors starts to ring throughout the flat.

"What's going on!?" I hear Tom yells.

"The smoke detectors are going off, I think there's fire." Kiera says.

Harrison then go to the bottom of the stairs with a pan fill with burning papers, making it more believable.

"Fire!" Harrison yells as he pretend to be panicking. Tom and Kiera run down the stairs, as soon as Tom sees the smokes from the burning papers he says, "Oh shit I'm going to die."

In their arms, are clothing, books and some small old vases that look pretty expensive.

Harrison and I are now hiding behind the kitchen island, covering our mouths trying not to laugh. Tom was panicking like it's the end of the world, Kiera was gathering the things she thinks are important and ran out, leaving Tom alone.

"Where Haz and (Y/n)?!" Tom yells. He put everything in his arms down and run around the flat, trying to find us. When he run into the kitchen, he trips face first on his own with his long legs.

"Ow..." Tom mumbles, rubbing his knees. Still on the floor.

Kiera then run back into the house. "Um Tom where is the fire?" She asks.

"You guys just got prank!" Harrison jumps up behind the kitchen island as I do the same. I stick my tongue out at both of them. Harrison and I high five each other and continue to laugh at them.

"We're going to get you back." Tom groans, standing up.

We're now at the park again, with the dogs. Tessa and Monty are playing with each other in the field.

"(Y/n), can you help me with the dogs? I can't get them to come to me at the same time." He says in his British accent. I walk towards him, calling Monty along the way.

"Come here Monty," I clap my hands together. I kneel down on the grass, petting him. Suddenly a pair of arms wrap themselves around my stomach. I yelp loudly, squirming.

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