Just act natural

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"Do you seriously think that knocking on the front door is our best option?" Steve asked rather disapprovingly.

"Of course it is, we aren't sure this is even a legitimate address plus he would never expect it" Tony still had his usual cockiness as they approached the front door of the rather large house.

"what if it's a trap?"

"if it were then we would of already been attacked or shot out of the sky" Tony ignored Steve's disapproval and uneasiness.

"this has to be the worst plan you ever came up with, and that's saying something" Steve commented while taking on a soldier like posture once they reached the door.

"As bad of a plan as becoming a capsicle for over 70 years?" Tony smirked then knocked before Steve could say anything back. It took a moment before the door finally opened to reveal a rather tall boy who looked an awful lot like the target. However not quite, unlike the boy caught by the CCTV this one had unnaturally coloured purple eyes and his hair was longer with a large curl rather then a cowlick but other than that he looked identical.

"um h-how may I h-help you?" Mattie mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

Steve was unsure for a moment, this kid wasn't the target but he definitely looked suspiciously similar. Tony thought the same and asked. "Is there anyone else in the house?" he raised an eyebrow still examining the shy Canadian.

"my brother" He answered quietly.

"Can we see him?" Steve asked bluntly.

"u-uh yeah..." He turned and raised his voice a little "um Alfred we have guests" he called into the other room.

America was hoping they would leave but of course life hated him and now he had to show himself.

"Who is it bro?" he asked, keeping up his usual happy-go-lucky attitude. He walked into the room and stood next to his twin and looked at the men at the door. He panicked a little inside when he saw Steve, but luckily for him he didn't seem to recognise him. Not yet at least.

They both quickly identified 'Alfred' as the boy from the footage and proceeded with their plan: to act friendly and get him to go willingly, but of course they would use force if needed to.

"may we come in?" Tony asked even though he has already arrogantly walked through the door "it's a nice house you got going there" he compliments plainly.

Steve actually waits to be let in before walking in. They follow the boys to the living room and take a seat, although both of the pairs are trying not to come off as hostile the atmosphere is still very tense and could practically be cut through with a knife.

"do you guys want coffee?" Alfred was doing a much better job at acting casual than Mattieu. He grinned his million dollar grin and was about to leave to the kitchen.

"that won't be necessary, plus we need to ask a few questions so please take a seat" Steve was straight to the point.

Crap. America thought and seemed to have deflated slightly. He took a seat next to his brother on the couch. "what is it?" He asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

Both of the men knew this was definitely the guy they were looking for so there's no point in beating around the bush. Steve sits up straight and asks the first question "Were you in New York during the alien attacks?" once again, he goes straight to the point.

"what? No, I haven't left Alaska for a few years now" Alfred lies easily and takes a sip of the coffee in front of him, which was actually Canada's but both of them ignore it.

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