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"Kiku? Kiku can you hear me?" It was Englands voice "I hope you do because... I don't mean to panic you but you have half an hour before the detecting mechanisms are back online, I'll forward it to Ivan as well, do you copy?"

Kiku slowly raised a hand to the earpiece "I copy" he said quietly then put a hand on his katana. Looks like he didn't have a choice, he unsethed his vibranium sword, perks of being a country and having friends in the mafia that can supply such weapons.

Steve heard the sound of a blade and violently turned around but saw nothing, he got to his feet and got into stance with his shield. "Did you hear anything?" He asked, his body tense and uneasy. 

"Nah dude" America answered calmly... too calmly. 

Steve couldn't even question his calmness when a katana was swung at him from above, he just about managed to hold his shield up to block it, he felt the slight pressure of whoever attacked him land on the shield with one hand and push themselves off, then land a few feet away from him.

"YO dude don't kill him!" Alfred quickly got to his feet but couldn't really do anything but watch.

Steve ignored the Americans sudden outburst but he could swear he saw a small nod from the man in front of him. He held a steady stance with the sword at his side, he was short and had black hair. His face was pulled into a calm neutral expression but it was hard not to notice the concentration and tint of anger in his dark chocolate coloured eyes. Before he knew the sword was uncomfortably close to his face and even drew a very thin line of blood on his cheek, he swung the shield at the guys stomach hitting him pretty hard and caused him to recoil backwards. He put a hand to his earpiece to contact his teammates but then realised that it was long gone, dropped to the floor and cut in half.

Guess it was just him. The fight went on with Steve mostly playing on the defensive as the Japanese male continuously striked at him. Kiku striked in ways as to manoeuvre him away from the cell and so that he was closer to it. Steve brought the shield up again, thinking that he was about to strike again but midway Kiku changed the direction of the katana and sent it straight through the cells locking mechanism. The electricity dropped and the cell door opened allowing America to leave. Kiku then put the sword back in its seth. 

"It was nice talking to you Steve, but I gotta disappear" Was the last thing said before the two males bolted out of the room. Luckily no alarms were set off....

Scrap that. The sound of the alarm rung in their ears as they ran up the stairs, Captain America close behind them.  They were already half way up and seriously weren't expecting Cap to still be able to keep up. Suddenly a vibranium shield was sent their way as soon as they started to slow down the smallest bit. America sensed it and dodged but unfortunately Japan was too slow and got hit square in the back of his head, knocking him out instantly. 

"KEEKS!" Alfred screeched.

Steve paused for a moment when Alfred screamed, for some strange reason he suddenly felt... guilty? As if it were a sin to further pursue the kid and his companion. He quickly brushed it off though.

Alfred, who was running a little behind Kiku, caught up to him and without thinking picked him up and continued running. He had enough common sense to know that he had to get to the roof. With new determination to also save his friend and to Caps surprise, he actually quickened his pace and was moving twice as fast as before. Too much for even a super soldier to keep up with.

On the roof he was met with the sight of the others. Russia was holding off Iron man with his pipe, where'd he even get it from? Though it was hard for him since iron man spent most of his time in the air. 

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