Getting America back

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So... plan B didn't work. He tried to telepathically contact Canada before realising that he probably passed out from nation hopping. He actually smacked himself for being such an idiot and waisting even more energy. Guess he would just have to wait for his twin to contact him first. It has been hours since he was captured. Right now he was laying on the ground, bored out of his mind.

"Kid" a voice sounded as Steve approached the cell.

America turned his head to face him but remained on the ground. "What is it dude?" He smiled but his voice was a lot more tired now.

"I wanted to talk to you" He took a stool out of nowhere and sat in front of the bars.

Dammit did he finally figure it out? America tensed a little but otherwise kept his calm attitude.

"Sure go ahead"

"You don't seem like a bad kid honestly... so I assume there is a good reason for you not telling us anything" He was right, during the few hours he spent here they have made many attempts at getting him to talk, yet nothing seemed to work. Alfred sighed and looked the other way.

"There is a very good reason for why I can't tell you anything"

"I will understand if you don't want to answer this.... but just between you and me, can you tell me why you aren't saying anything?"

America turned back to him and gave him a long stare as if examining if he can trust him or not. He looks back to the ceiling and runs a hand through his sandy blonde hair then keeps it there. After a deep breath he answers "It will put everyone in danger, I don't want any of them getting hurt because of me... or at all for that matter" he made sure to play the pronoun game as to not give anyone away.

Steve gave him an understanding look, he knew how that felt. "Are you talking about your family?"

America chuckled "you could say that, I am 'related' to some of them"

They continued to talk as if they were old friends, which technically they were, though of course America continued to use pronouns instead of actual names when telling a story about something stupid him and his friends or family did.

------------ Meanwhile, Tony was getting ready for a business meeting, he may be Ironman but he is also Tony Stark and had a company to run. This time it was a arranged meeting with some powerful Chinese guy who wanted to invest in some of his stuff, as well as arrange to sell some of his. He never met or even heard of the guy before so he was a little sceptical, then again he never bothered to catch up on people so it didn't really suprise him. From what he knew his name was Wang Yao, first name Yao last name Wang, he made a mental note that Chinese names are reversed. He was informed that he would arrive with a body guard and his adoptive younger brother from Japan.

Few hours prior
Since England had the most experience as a spy out of them he was the one who arranged the plan. Usually such a stunt would take days even weeks to set up, but they were nations, they had connections *cough*Italianmafia*cough*. Therefore China was arranged a fake profile as a technology and weapon merchant, just in case they decided to search him up, all of that would automatically be deleted later. As was Japan and Russia as a professional body guard and Yao's younger brother. The idea was that China would keep Tony occupied and slip in a chip that would temporarily disable the towers detecting mechanisms, after that Japan would excuse himself to go to the 'restroom' but actually go looking for America. Russia was there in case things got messy and Germany would be there getaway helicopter pilot. The Italies stayed behind and kept an eye on the security cameras which their mafia gladly hacked for them. France was ordered to stay and look after Canada who despite having already woken up, was still in poor condition and required supervision. Prussia was put near the area incase they needed extra support and England looked over the whole thing since he was the one who planned it.

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